首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Pest Management >Efficacy of mating disruption technique against carob moth, Apomyelois ceratoniae Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in pomegranate orchards in Southeast Turkey (Sanlurfa)

Efficacy of mating disruption technique against carob moth, Apomyelois ceratoniae Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in pomegranate orchards in Southeast Turkey (Sanlurfa)

机译:交配干扰技术对土耳其东南部(Sanlurfa)石榴园中的角豆蛾(Apomyelois ceratoniae Zeller(鳞翅目:Pyralidae))的功效

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Carob moth, Apomyelois (=Ectomyelois) ceratoniae Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is a key pest in pomegranate orchards in Southeast of Turkey. The pest causes significant damage and reduces marketability of fruits, and is difficult to control with insecticides. Therefore, it is imperative to develop environmentally sound effective alternative management approaches. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the mating disruption technique and determine the appropriate application dose for the management of the pest. The study was carried out in Central and Suruc districts of Sanlurfa province (Turkey) in 2011 and 2012. SPLAT EC (Specialized Pheromone-Lure Application Technology) trade named dispenser containing 2% Z7, E9-11-dodecatrienyl formate pheromone mimic was applied at 500, 625 and 750 g/ha in three pomegranate orchards in each district. Results indicated that mating disruption technique significantly reduced the pest populations. But effectiveness of the method was less in terms of the damage rate on fruits. Pheromone applied at 500 g/ha was not effective. However, application at 625 g/ha reduced the pest populations to an acceptable level. Thus, the concentration could be considered an appropriate dose for the less abundant pest population within integrated pest management while higher population would require combining the mating disruption method with a bio-insecticide.
机译:角豆蛾,Apomyelois(= Ectomyelois)ceratoniae Zeller(鳞翅目:Pyralidae)是土耳其东南部石榴园的主要害虫。该害虫造成重大损害并降低了水果的适销性,并且难以用杀虫剂控制。因此,必须开发对环境无害的有效替代管理方法。在这项研究中,我们旨在评估交配破坏技术并确定适当的施用剂量以控制害虫。这项研究分别于2011年和2012年在Sanlurfa省(土耳其)的中部和Suruc地区进行。SPLAT EC(专用信息素-诱剂应用技术)商品名为含有2%Z7的分配器,E9-11-十二烷基三烯甲酸甲酰胺信息素被应用在每个地区三个石榴园中分别有500、625和750 g / ha。结果表明,交配破坏技术显着减少了害虫数量。但是就水果的伤害率而言,该方法的有效性较差。以500 g / ha施用的信息素无效。但是,以625克/公顷的施用量将有害生物种群减少到可接受的水平。因此,在综合虫害管理中,对于浓度较低的虫害种群,可以认为该浓度是适当的剂量,而较高的种群则需要将交配破坏方法与生物杀虫剂结合使用。



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