首页> 外文期刊>International review of hydrobiology >Aquatic insects along environmental gradients in a karst river system: A comparative analysis of EPT larvae assemblage components

Aquatic insects along environmental gradients in a karst river system: A comparative analysis of EPT larvae assemblage components


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Studying the response of assemblages either to natural or human induced environmental gradients is challenging due to spatial and temporal heterogeneity in river systems. This study identified the relationship between environmental variables, as well as sampling date, and Ephemeroptera (E), Plecoptera (P), Trichoptera (T) assemblages in a karst river system. Each assemblage component (E, P, T, EP, ET, PT, and EPT) is analyzed separately. Ten direct influential variables (water depth, water temperature, current velocity, dissolved oxygen concentration, oxygen saturation, pH, nitrate concentration, total solids, and total suspended solids) and sampling date were considered in order to identify environmental gradients after removal of the effect of stream size and habitat heterogeneity; both parameters were used as covariables. Thus, the observed effects of selected 10 variables were those that were not explained also by Strahler stream order and habitat heterogeneity. Examination of the EPT assemblage characteristics using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant spatial variations in richness/diversity metrics (number of EPT taxa, Shannon-Wiener diversity) but not in functional metrics (Gatherers/Collectors, Grazers, and Scrapers). The temporal variation in all metrics was substantial. Assemblage variances (R~2) and adjusted assemblage variances (R_(adj)~2) of >35% and >20%, respectively,were obtained. Main environmental gradients representing hydrogeology and eutrophication as well as hydraulic and oxygen gradient for EPT assemblages were recognized. It appears that eutrophication is the key ecological factor for most assemblage components in a Dinaric karst river system, although Plecoptera assemblages were best explained by temperature regime and oxygen conditions. This study suggests that a variation in the diversity between E,P, and T taxa influences an assemblage-environment relationship. Environmental variables that were best predictors for assemblages with more than one insect group were associated with assemblages with high diversity. This study provides methods and approaches to recognize the main factors determining biotic assemblages' structures in Dinaric karst river systems and thus provides a basis to develop appropriate biodiversity conservation policies.
机译:由于河流系统的时空异质性,研究组合对自然或人为引起的环境梯度的响应具有挑战性。这项研究确定了环境变量以及采样日期与岩溶河流系统中的phe,鳞翅目,P翅目之间的关系。每个组合组件(E,P,T,EP,ET,PT和EPT)将分别进行分析。考虑了十个直接影响变量(水深,水温,流速,溶解氧浓度,氧饱和度,pH,硝酸盐浓度,总固体和总悬浮固体)和采样日期,以便确定去除影响后的环境梯度溪流大小和生境异质性;这两个参数都用作协变量。因此,选择的10个变量的观测结果是Strahler流序和生境异质性也无法解释的。使用非参数Kruskal-Wallis检验对EPT组合特性进行的测试显示,丰富度/多样性指标(EPT分类单元数,Shannon-Wiener多样性)的空间差异很大,而功能指标(收集者/收集者,Grazers和Scrapers)则没有变化。所有指标的时间变化都很大。得到的装配方差(R〜2)和调整后的装配方差(R_(adj)〜2)分别大于35%和> 20%。认识到代表水文地质学和富营养化的主要环境梯度以及EPT组件的水力和氧气梯度。富营养化是迪纳里克喀斯特河流域大多数集合组成部分的关键生态因素,尽管通过温度和氧气条件可以最好地解释鞘翅目集合。这项研究表明,E,P和T类群之间多样性的变化会影响组装与环境的关系。环境变量是一个昆虫群多的组合的最佳预测指标,这些变量与多样性高的组合有关。这项研究提供了识别迪纳里克喀斯特河流域生物群落结构主要因素的方法和途径,从而为制定适当的生物多样性保护政策提供了依据。



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