首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Tropical Agriculture >Study on Changes in Physiological Parameters and Yield with the Application of N-ATCA (Elanta super)y GA3 and CPPU in Sonaka grapes

Study on Changes in Physiological Parameters and Yield with the Application of N-ATCA (Elanta super)y GA3 and CPPU in Sonaka grapes

机译:N-ATCA(Elanta super)y GA3和CPPU在Sonaka葡萄上的生理参数和产量变化的研究

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Elanta Super is a organic growth promoter which contains N Acetyl Thiazolidine 4- Carboxylic Acid (N-ATCA), 10% Folic acid with 0.2% adjuvant, used for plant growth increase in both fruit & production quality. It also enhances quality, luster, brix, elongation and size of berry, keeping quality and taste of table grapes. Therefore, the current study aims to see the mechanism and changes due to Elanta Super spraying along with GA3 and CPPU on quality, photosynthesis and yield in Sonaka grapes. Field experiment was conducted during 2013-14 in Sonaka grapes at location Tasgaon, Sangli, Maharashtra, India. The experiment was laid in randomized block design with five treatments during fruiting seasons. Grapes bunches were sprayed with Elanta Super, GA3 and CPPU at 45, 75 and 90 DAP (days after pruning) with different treatments Tl (0.25 ml Elanta Super + 15 ppm GA_1), T2 (0.50 ml Elanta Super +15 ppm GA3), 13 (1 ml Elanta Super + 15 ppm GAj), T4 (1 ml Elanta super + 15 ppm GAj+l ppm CPPU) and (T5 control).Berry length, berry diameter and berry skin thickness were derived by averaging the 10 berries randomly from each treatment and measured using vernier caliper (RSK, China) and expressed in millimetre (mm). Berry skin thickness was measured using micro screw gauze (No. 103-101-10, Mitutoyo, Japan) and expressed in micrometer (um). The mean bunch weight was derived by averaging the weight of ten bunches randomly from each treatment. Total soluble solids and acidity were derived by the juice of 50 berriesrandomly from each treatment and measured by hand refractometer (EKMA INC, Tokyo, Japan) and Acid-base titration methods, respectively. Total soluble solids (TSS) were expressed in degree brix (°P) and acidity was expressed in percentage (%). The leaf area (cm2) was measured using leaf area meter (model CI- 203 Leaf area meter, CID, Inc. USA).The fully mature leaf was used for total chlorophyll quantification by DMSO method, Jifon et al. [4].
机译:Elanta Super是一种有机生长促进剂,包含N乙酰基噻唑烷4-羧酸(N-ATCA),10%叶酸和0.2%助剂,可用于植物生长,提高果实和生产质量。它还可以提高浆果的品质,光泽,白利度,伸长率和尺寸,保持鲜食葡萄的品质和口感。因此,本研究旨在了解Elanta Super喷洒以及GA3和CPPU对Sonaka葡萄品质,光合作用和产量的影响及其机理。 2013-14年间,在印度马哈拉施特拉邦桑格利塔斯加翁的索纳卡(Sonaka)葡萄田间试验。该试验采用随机分组设计,在结果期进行了五次处理。用不同处理T1(0.25 ml Elanta Super + 15 ppm GA_1),T2(0.50 ml Elanta Super +15 ppm GA3)分别以45、75和90 DAP(修剪后的天数)用Elanta Super,GA3和CPPU喷洒葡萄。 13(1 ml Elanta Super + 15 ppm GAj),T4(1 ml Elanta super + 15 ppm GAj + 1 ppm CPPU)和(T5对照)。通过将10个浆果随机平均得出浆果长度,浆果直径和浆果皮厚度每次处理后,使用游标卡尺(中国RSK)进行测量,并以毫米(mm)表示。浆果皮的厚度是使用微型螺旋纱布(日本三丰市,No。103-101-10)测量的,并以微米(um)表示。平均束重是通过对每种处理随机取十束的重量求平均值而得出的。通过每次处理随机抽取50个浆果的汁液得出总可溶固体和酸度,并分别通过手动折光仪(EKMA INC,东京,日本)和酸碱滴定法进行测量。总可溶性固体(TSS)以白利糖度(°P)表示,酸度以百分比(%)表示。叶面积(cm 2)使用叶面积计(CI-203叶面积计,CID,Inc.USA)测量。完全成熟的叶通过DMSO法(Jifon等人)用于总叶绿素定量。 [4]。



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