首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Tropical Agriculture >Soil Quality Parameters Influenced by Tillage and Weed Management Practices in Maize-Sunflower Cropping Systems

Soil Quality Parameters Influenced by Tillage and Weed Management Practices in Maize-Sunflower Cropping Systems


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Field experiment was conducted during kharif and rabi seasons of 2005-2006 to study the effect of different tillage and weed management practices on physical and chemical of soil under maize-sunflower cropping system. The result revealed that continuous conventional tillage (T_4) and conventional tillage (T_3) for maize and T_2 for sunflower) resulted in lower bulk density and higher total porosity and infiltration rate. Wliereas continuous zero tillage (T_1) resulted in higher bulk density and lower total porosity and infiltration rate. Chemical analysis of post harvest soil samples showed higher amount of available N, P and K recorded with conventional tillage (T_4 and T_3 for maize and T_4 and T_2 for sunfloiuer).
机译:在2005-2006年的卡里夫和狂犬病季节进行了田间试验,研究了玉米-向日葵种植系统下不同耕作和杂草处理措施对土壤理化的影响。结果表明,连续的常规耕作(T_4)和玉米的常规耕作(T_3)和向日葵的T_2)导致较低的堆密度和较高的总孔隙率和入渗率。 Wliereas连续零耕作(T_1)导致较高的堆密度和较低的总孔隙率和渗透率。收获后土壤样品的化学分析显示,常规耕作记录的可用氮,磷和钾含量较高(玉米为T_4和T_3,日晒作物为T_4和T_2)。



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