首页> 外文期刊>Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power: Transactions of the ASME >Preliminary economics of black liquor gasifier/gas turbine cogeneration at pulp and paper mills

Preliminary economics of black liquor gasifier/gas turbine cogeneration at pulp and paper mills


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Black liquor, the lignin-rich byproduct of kraft pulp production, is burned in boiler/steam turbine cogeneration systems at pulp mills today to provide heat and power for onsite use. Black liquor gasification technologies under development would enable this fuel to be used in gas turbines. This paper reports preliminary economics of 100-MWe scale integrated black-liquor gasifier/combined cycles using alternative commercially proposed gasifier designs. The economics are based on detailed full-load performance modeling and on capital, operating and maintenance costs developed in collaboration with engineers at Bechtel Corporation and Stone Webster Engineering. Comparisons with conventional boiler/steam turbine systems are included. References: 12
机译:黑液是牛皮纸浆生产中富含木质素的副产品,如今在纸浆厂的锅炉/汽轮热电联产系统中燃烧,以提供供现场使用的热量和电力。正在开发的黑液气化技术将使这种燃料能够用于燃气轮机。本文报告了使用替代商业建议的气化炉设计的 100 MWe 规模集成黑液气化炉/联合循环的初步经济性。经济性基于详细的满载性能建模以及与Bechtel公司和Stone&Webster Engineering的工程师合作开发的资本,运营和维护成本。包括与传统锅炉/蒸汽轮机系统的比较。[参考文献: 12]



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