首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Quantum Chemistry >An improved generator coordinate Hartree-Fock method applied to the choice of contracted Gaussian basis sets for first-row diatomic molecules

An improved generator coordinate Hartree-Fock method applied to the choice of contracted Gaussian basis sets for first-row diatomic molecules


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Accurate Gaussian basis sets (18s for Li and Be and 20s11p for the atoms from B to Ne) for the first-row atoms, generated with an improved generator coordinate Hartree-Fock method, were contracted and enriched with polarization functions. These basis sets were tested for B-2, C-2, BeO, CN-, LiF, N-2, CO, BF, NO+, O-2, and F-2. At the Hartree-Fock (HP), second-order Moller-Plesset (MP2), fourth-order Moller-Plesset (MP4), and density functional theory (DFT) levels, the dipole moments, bond lengths, and harmonic vibrational frequencies were studied, and at the MP2, MP4, and DFT levels, the dissociation energies were evaluated and compared with the corresponding experimental values and with values obtained using other contracted Gaussian basis sets and numerical HF calculations. For all diatomic molecules studied, the differences between our total energies, obtained with the largest contracted basis set [6s5p3d1f], and those calculated with the numerical HF methods were always less than 3.2 mhartree. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [References: 34]
机译:使用改进的生成器坐标Hartree-Fock方法生成的第一行原子,具有精确的高斯基集(Li和Be的18s,B到Ne的原子的20s11p)被收缩,并带有极化函数。测试了这些基集的B-2,C-2,BeO,CN-,LiF,N-2,CO,BF,NO +,O-2和F-2。在Hartree-Fock(HP),二阶Moller-Plesset(MP2),四阶Moller-Plesset(MP4)和密度泛函理论(DFT)级别,偶极矩,键长和谐波振动频率为在MP2,MP4和DFT的水平上进行了研究,评估了离解能,并将其与相应的实验值以及使用其他压缩高斯基集和数值HF计算获得的值进行了比较。对于所有研究的双原子分子,用最大的收缩基集[6s5p3d1f]获得的总能量与用数值HF方法计算得到的总能量之差始终小于3.2 mhartree。 (C)2000 John Wiley&Sons,Inc. [参考:34]



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