首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics >Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in the framework of classical radiobiology: response to Drs. Brown, Diehn, and Loo.

Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in the framework of classical radiobiology: response to Drs. Brown, Diehn, and Loo.


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To the Editor: We read the recent commentary in the IJROBP by Brown, Diehn, and Loo with great interest (1). The authors discuss one of the fundamental tenets of radiobiology, hypoxia, and its impact on radioresistance, in the context of the increasing interest in stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT)/stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR). The biology of SABR effects is an exciting and new area of study (2, 3). Brown et al. emphasize that classical contributors to radioresistance, in particular hypoxia, should not be forgotten. In contrast to previous experiences with hypoxic radiosensitizers, we are optimistic about the utility of their recommendation especially given that cumulative toxicity seen in historical experiences using protracted conventionally fractionated courses would not be an issue with a single fraction (4).
机译:致编辑:我们非常感兴趣地阅读了Brown,Diehn和Loo在IJROBP中发表的最新评论(1)。在对立体定向身体放疗(SBRT)/立体定向消融放疗(SABR)的兴趣日益增加的背景下,作者讨论了放射生物学,缺氧及其对放射抵抗的影响的基本原理之一。 SABR效应的生物学是一个令人兴奋的新研究领域(2,3)。布朗等。强调不应遗忘经典的抗辐射性,特别是低氧。与以前使用低氧放射增敏剂的经验相反,我们对他们推荐的效用持乐观态度,特别是考虑到使用单一常规馏分使用长期分馏疗程在历史经验中所看到的累积毒性不会是一个问题(4)。



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