首页> 外文期刊>International journal of rehabilitation research: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschungon >Risk factors and clinical profiles in Turkish children with cerebral palsy: analysis of 625 cases.

Risk factors and clinical profiles in Turkish children with cerebral palsy: analysis of 625 cases.


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The aim of the study was to investigate risk factors, clinical profiles and gross motor function levels of Turkish children with cerebral palsy (CP). A total of 625 consecutive children with CP, who were rehabilitated in the pediatrics rehabilitation clinic between 2000 and 2004 years, were included. Factors causing CP were investigated by interviewing the families and by scanning medical files. Risk factors were recorded as consanguineous marriage, maternal disorder, preterm birth, birth asphyxia, low birth weight, multiple pregnancy, neonatal convulsion, kernicterus, postnatal central nervous system infection and brain injury. Swedish classification was followed in CP typing. Of 625 children with CP, 370 (59.2%) were males and 255 (40.8%) were females, with ages ranging between 2 and 13 years (the mean age was 5.11+/-2.19 years). It was determined that 47.8% of the cases were spastic diplegic CP, 27.7% were spastic tetraplegic CP, 12.8% spastic hemiplegic CP and 11.7% were other types (ataxic, dyskinetic and mixed CP types). The most frequently encountered risk factors were low birth weight (45.1%), preterm birth (40.5%), birth asphyxia (34.6%) and consanguineous marriage (23.8%). Low birth weight, preterm birth, birth asphyxia and consanguineous marriage were top-ranked risk factors that were determined in Turkish children with CP. Compared with other countries, consanguineous marriage is still an important problem in Turkey.
机译:这项研究的目的是调查土耳其脑瘫(CP)儿童的危险因素,临床特征和总体运动功能水平。纳入总共625名2000年至2004年之间在儿科康复诊所康复的CP儿童。通过访谈家人和扫描医疗档案调查了导致CP的因素。危险因素记录为近亲结婚,产妇疾病,早产,出生窒息,低出生体重,多胎妊娠,新生儿惊厥,kernerterus,产后中枢神经系统感染和脑损伤。 CP分类采用瑞典分类法。在625名患有CP的儿童中,男性为370名(59.2%),而女性为255名(40.8%),年龄在2至13岁之间(平均年龄为5.11 +/- 2.19岁)。已确定47.8%的病例为痉挛型双腿瘫痪CP,27.7%的为痉挛性四肢瘫痪CP,12.8%的痉挛性半身瘫痪CP和11.7%的其他类型为(痉挛型,运动障碍型和混合型CP)。最常见的危险因素是低出生体重(45.1%),早产(40.5%),窒息出生(34.6%)和近亲结婚(23.8%)。低出生体重,早产,出生窒息和近亲结婚是在土耳其患有CP的儿童中确定的首要危险因素。与其他国家相比,近亲结婚在土耳其仍然是一个重要问题。



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