首页> 外文期刊>International journal of osteoarchaeology >Mandibular Hypodontia and Osteoarthritis in Prehistoric Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis)in Eastern Washington State, USA

Mandibular Hypodontia and Osteoarthritis in Prehistoric Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis)in Eastern Washington State, USA

机译:美国东部华盛顿州史前大角羊(Ovis canadensis)的下颌骨缺牙和骨关节炎

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Mandibular hypodontia of the p2 was found to occur in 3 out of 21 individual prehistoric RockyMountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) from Moses Coulee Cave in easternWashington State, similar to its frequency of occurrence in modern bighorn. There is noevidence of lumpy jaw (mandibular osteomyelitis) in the Moses Coulee Cave collection.Evidence from Moses Coulee Cave aligns with the hypothesis that low frequencies ofhypodontia and lumpy jaw occur in healthy, evolutionarily old (maintenance) populationsin order to maintain the occlusal area and thus maximise efficiency of food procurement andprocessing. Osteoarthritis was found to occur in 1 out of 70 individual Rocky Mountain bighornsheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) astragali in the Moses Coulee Cave collection. Thisprevalence is unsurprising given a population dominated by prime-age individuals. Osteo-arthritis was likely selected against given that individuals must be agile to effectively userugged terrain to escape predation and as a general measure suggests a healthy population.
机译:在华盛顿州东部的Moses Coulee洞穴中,在21例史前的RockyMountain大角羊(Ovis canadensis canadensis)中,有3例中发现了p2的下颌骨低通,与现代大角羊的发生频率相似。 Moses Coulee Cave系列中没有明显的块状下颌(下颌骨骨髓炎)证据.Moses Coulee Cave的证据与以下假设相吻合:低齿龈和结节性颚骨低频率发生在健康的,进化上的老龄(维持性)人群中,以维持咬合区域和牙合。从而最大程度地提高食品采购和加工效率。在Moses Coulee Cave系列中,发现70例落基山大角羊(Ovis canadensis canadensis)黄芪中有1例发生骨关节炎。考虑到人口由高龄人士主导,这种流行率不足为奇。考虑到个人必须灵活地有效使用地形以逃避掠食,并且一般情况下建议健康的人群,因此可能选择骨关节炎。



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