首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Modern Physics, C. Physics and Computers >Numerical modeling of water circulation and pollutant transport in a shallow basin

Numerical modeling of water circulation and pollutant transport in a shallow basin


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A two-dimensional numerical model was developed(1-3) to simulate the sediment and pollutant transport in a shallow basin. The developed model consist of two modules: Hydrodynamic module and sediment/pollutant transport module. A numerical, hydrodynamic module based on the Saint-Venant equations, is resolved by a MacCormack numerical scheme and is used to simulate the circulation pattern in the basin. The obtained flow circulation is used as an input to the sediment/pollutant transport module to simulate the transport and dispersion of a pollutant emitted into the basin. To calibrate the numerical model, the distorted scale model of the Windermere Basin(4) was used. In this physical model, the how visualization and pollutant transport experiments provide a good calibration. The simulated results were found to be in good agreement with the experimental measurements and the results in Ref. 4. With the aid of the validated model, the influence of the construction of dikes on the residence time distributions in the basin was examined. [References: 9]
机译:建立了二维数值模型(1-3)以模拟浅盆地中的沉积物和污染物运移。开发的模型包括两个模块:流体动力学模块和沉积物/污染物传输模块。一个基于Saint-Venant方程的流体力学数值模块,通过MacCormack数值方案进行求解,并用于模拟盆地中的环流模式。所获得的流循环被用作沉积物/污染物传输模块的输入,以模拟排放到盆地中的污染物的传输和扩散。为了校正数值模型,使用了温德米尔盆地(4)的扭曲比例模型。在此物理模型中,可视化和污染物传输实验如何提供良好的校准。发现仿真结果与实验测量和参考文献中的结果非常吻合。 4.借助验证模型,研究了堤防构造对流域停留时间分布的影响。 [参考:9]



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