首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Modern Physics, C. Physics and Computers >Exploring the influence of human mobility on information spreading in mobile networks

Exploring the influence of human mobility on information spreading in mobile networks


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In recent years, the dynamic spread of information has captured researchers' attention. Therefore, identifying influential spreaders of information has become a fundamental element of information spreading research. Many studies have measured the influence of spreaders by considering the centrality indexes of network topology characteristics, such as degree, betweenness and closeness centrality. Additionally, some works have identified influential spreaders by analyzing human mobility characteristics such as contact frequency, contact time and inter-contact time. In this paper, we mainly explore the influence of the step size and radius of gyration on information spreading. Using a real and large-scale dataset of human mobility, we apply the susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model to investigate the spread of information. The simulation result shows that the influence of information spreading does not increase with the increase in the step size or radius of gyration of spreaders. Instead, both the step size and radius of gyration have a great influence on the spread of information when they are near the median value. Regardless of whether they have a large or small value, their influence on the spread of information is small. Therefore, the step size and radius of gyration of spreaders can be used to control or guide the spread of information.



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