
SUSY dark matter in light of CDMS/XENON limits

机译:根据CDMS / XENON限制的SUSY暗物质

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We briefly review the current CDMS/XENON constraints on the neutralino dark matter in three popular supersymmetric models: the minimal (MSSM), the next-to-minimal (NMSSM) and the nearly minimal (nMSSM). The constraints from the dark matter relic density and various collider experiments are also taken into account. The conclusion is that for each model the current CDMS/XENON limits can readily exclude a large part of the parameter space allowed by other constraints and the future SuperCDMS or XENON100 can cover most of the allowed parameter space. The implication for the Higgs search at the LHC is also discussed. It is found that in the currently allowed parameter space the MSSM charged Higgs boson is quite unlikely to be discovered at the LHC while the neutral Higgs bosons H and A may be accessible at the LHC in the parameter space with a large μ parameter.
机译:我们简要回顾了三种流行的超对称模型中当前对中性黑质暗物质的CDMS / XENON约束:最小(MSSM),次最小(NMSSM)和几乎最小(nMSSM)。还考虑了来自暗物质遗迹密度和各种对撞机实验的限制。结论是,对于每个模型,当前的CDMS / XENON限制都可以轻易排除其他约束所允许的很大一部分参数空间,而将来的SuperCDMS或XENON100可以覆盖大部分允许的参数空间。还讨论了在大型强子对撞机中希格斯搜索的含义。可以发现,在当前允许的参数空间中,不太可能在LHC上发现带MSSM电荷的希格斯玻色子,而在LHC中,具有大μ参数的中性希格斯玻色子H和A可能可以在LHC处访问。



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