首页> 外文期刊>International journal of modern physics, D. Gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology >A two-dimensional representation of four-dimensional gravitational waves

A two-dimensional representation of four-dimensional gravitational waves


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The Einstein equation in D dimensions, if restricted to the class of spacetimes possessing n = D - 2 commuting hypersurface-orthogonal Killing vectors, can be equivalently written as metric-dilaton gravity in two dimensions with n scalar fields. For n = 2, this result reduces to the known reduction of certain four-dimensional metrics which include gravitational waves. Here, we give such a representation which leads to a new proof of the Birkhoff theorem for plane-symmetric spacetimes, and which leads to an explanation, in which sense two (spin zero-) scalar fields in two dimensions may incorporate the (spin two-) gravitational waves in four dimensions. (This result should not be mixed up with well-known analogous statements where, however, the four-dimensional spacetime is supposed to be spherically symmetric, and then, of course, the equivalent two-dimensional picture cannot mimic any gravitational waves.) Finally, remarks on hidden symmetries in two dimensions are made. [References: 30]
机译:如果将D维上的爱因斯坦方程式限制为具有n = D-2个可交换超表面正交Killing向量的时空类,则可以等效地表示为具有n个标量场的二维度量米拉顿引力。对于n = 2,此结果减少到某些包括重力波的四维度量的已知缩减。在这里,我们给出这样的表示形式,从而得到平面对称时空的Birkhoff定理的新证明,并导致一种解释,在这种意义上,二维的两个(自旋零)标量场可能包含(自旋二) -)四个维度的引力波。 (此结果不应与众所周知的类似陈述相混淆,在这些类似陈述中,四维时空被认为是球对称的,因此,等效的二维图片当然不能模拟任何引力波。) ,对二维的隐藏对称性进行了说明。 [参考:30]



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