首页> 外文期刊>International journal of modern physics, D. Gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology >Density contrast-peculiar velocity relation in the Newtonian gauge

Density contrast-peculiar velocity relation in the Newtonian gauge


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We investigate relation between density contrast and peculiar velocity in the Newtonian gauge, in general relativistic framework of theory of large scale structure formation in the universe. According to the gauge-invariant property of the energy-momentum tensor in this gauge, the velocity perturbation behaves like the Newtonian peculiar velocity. In this framework, the relation between peculiar velocity and density contrast with respect to the Newtonian-Peebles formula has an extra correction term which is ignorable for the small scale structures. The relativistic correction of peculiar velocity for structures of the extent of hundred mega parsec is about few percents which is smaller than the accuracy of the recent peculiar velocity measurements. We also study CMB anisotropies due-to the Doppler effect in the Newtonian gauge compared with those obtained using Newtonian gravity. [References: 15]
机译:在宇宙大尺度结构形成理论的一般相对论框架下,我们研究了牛顿量规中密度对比与奇特速度之间的关系。根据该量规中能量动量张量的量规不变性,速度摄动的行为类似于牛顿奇特速度。在此框架中,相对于牛顿-皮布尔斯公式,特殊速度和密度对比度之间的关系具有一个额外的校正项,该校正项对于小规模结构是可忽略的。对于百兆秒差距程度的结构,特殊速度的相对论校正约为百分之几,这比最近的特殊速度测量的精度要小。与使用牛顿重力获得的CMB各向异性相比,我们还研究了牛顿规范中由于多普勒效应引起的CMB各向异性。 [参考:15]



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