首页> 外文期刊>International journal of occupational and environmental health : >Pesticide usage and health consequences for women in developing countries: out of sight, out of mind?

Pesticide usage and health consequences for women in developing countries: out of sight, out of mind?


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Pesticide exposures of women in developing countries are aggravated by economic policy changes associated with structural adjustment programs and globalization. Women in these countries, particularly in the agricultural sector, are increasingly exposed. Since they are concentrated in the most marginal positions in the formal and informal workforces, and production is organized in a gender-specific way, opportunities for women to control their exposures are limited. Data from developing countries show that: 1) women's exposures to pesticides are significantly higher than is recognized; 2) poisonings and other pesticide-related injuries are greatly underestimated for women; 3) for a given adverse outcome from exposure, the experience of that outcome is gender-discriminatory; 4) erroneous risk perception increases women's exposures. The hiatus in knowledge of gender-specific exposures and effects is related to gender biases in the nature of epidemiologic inquiry and in the literature, and the gendered nature of health workers' practices and surveillance. Recommendations are made for strong, independent organizations that provide opportunities for women to control their environments, and the factors affecting their health, as well as gender-sensitive research to address the particularities of women's pesticide exposures.
机译:与结构调整方案和全球化有关的经济政策变化加剧了发展中国家妇女的农药暴露。这些国家中的妇女,特别是农业部门中的妇女越来越多。由于她们集中在正式和非正式劳动力中最边缘的位置,并且生产是按性别划分的,因此妇女控制她们的接触机会有限。来自发展中国家的数据表明:1)妇女对农药的接触大大高于公认的水平; 2)妇女中毒和其他与农药相关的伤害被大大低估了; 3)对于暴露给定的不利结果,该结果的经验具有性别歧视性; 4)错误的风险感知会增加女性的暴露风险。对特定性别的接触和影响的知识的中断与流行病学调查和文献中的性别偏见以及卫生工作者的行为和监测的性别性质有关。向强有力的独立组织提出建议,这些组织为妇女提供了控制环境,影响其健康的因素的机会,并提出了对性别敏感的研究,以解决妇女接触农药的特殊性。



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