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From the ... AIT - The good, the bad and the rest

机译:从...AIT - 好的、坏的和其他的

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I have to confess that I have stopped watching the news. I last watched it when footage of a small child dying of shrapnel injuries in the Syrian city of Horns was shown on the day Marie Colvin was killed. I've temporarily stopped 'keeping up to date' for the sake of my sanity.One of the things that has most struck me about the situation in Syria is that Bashar al Assad is a doctor, an ophthalmologist in fact, who did part of his training in the UK. This seems to have jarred in my consciousness. And yet why should it? Did I think that medical training turned you into a better person? Was I naive enough to think that no trained doctor would be able to oversee such suffering? Actually, I think I was. I think that beneath all the cynicism I've picked up over my 12 years in the National Health Service (NHS), I still have an underlying faith in the decency of doctors.
机译:我不得不承认,我已经不再看新闻了。我上一次看这部电影是在玛丽·科尔文(Marie Colvin)遇害的那天,在叙利亚城市霍恩斯(Horns)播放了一个小孩死于弹片伤的镜头。为了我的理智,我暂时停止了“保持最新”。叙利亚局势最让我印象深刻的一件事是,巴沙尔·阿萨德(Bashar al Assad)是一名医生,实际上是一名眼科医生,他在英国接受了部分培训。这似乎在我的意识中震动了。然而,为什么要这样做呢?我是否认为医学培训使你成为一个更好的人?我是否天真地认为没有训练有素的医生能够监督这种痛苦?事实上,我想我是。我认为,在我在国家卫生服务体系 (NHS) 工作的 12 年里所受到的所有愤世嫉俗的质疑之下,我仍然对医生的体面抱有潜在的信念。



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