首页> 外文期刊>International journal of laboratory hematology >Automated quantification of apoptosis in B-cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorders: a prognostic variable obtained with the Cell-Dyn Sapphire (Abbott) automated hematology analyzer

Automated quantification of apoptosis in B-cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorders: a prognostic variable obtained with the Cell-Dyn Sapphire (Abbott) automated hematology analyzer


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IntroductionB-chronic lymphocytic leukemia CLL, a neoplastic clonal disorder with monomorphous small B lymphocytes with scanty cytoplasm and clumped chromatin, can be morphologically differentiated in typical and atypical forms with different prognosis: Smudge cells (Gumprecht's shadows) are one of the well-known features of the typical CLL and are much less inconsistent in other different types CLPD. Abbott Cell-Dyn Sapphire uses the fluorescence after staining with the DNA fluorochrome propidium iodide for the measurement of nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) and nonviable cells (FL3+ cell fraction): We have studied the possible correlation between presence and number of morphologically identifiable smudge cells on smears and the percentage of nonviable cells produced by Cell-Dyn Sapphire.
机译:简介B慢性淋巴细胞性白血病CLL是一种肿瘤性克隆性疾病,具有单核小B淋巴细胞,胞质少,染色质团块状,可在形态学上以典型和非典型形式进行预后不同:涂抹细胞(Gumprecht阴影)是众所周知的特征之一与典型CLL相比,在其他不同类型的CLPD中的一致性要小得多。 Abbott Cell-Dyn蓝宝石使用DNA荧光染料碘化丙啶染色后的荧光用于测量有核红细胞(NRBC)和非活细胞(FL3 +细胞分数):我们研究了形态识别性污迹的存在与数量之间的可能相关性涂片上的细胞和Cell-Dyn蓝宝石产生的无活力细胞的百分比。



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