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Strawberry Cultivar Evaluation under High-tunnel and Organic Management in North Carolina


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High-tunnel strawberry (Fragaria xananassa) production for extended seasons has a great economic potential for small farmers. However, information on cultivars that are suitable for high tunnels is rather limited. In this study conducted in the 2014-15 season, strawberry plugs of eight June-bearing cultivars (Florida Radiance, Benicia, Camarosa, Camino Real, Chandler, Strawberry Festival, Sweet Charlie, and Winterstar) and two day-neutral cultivars (San Andreas and Albion) were evaluated for yield performance, fruit quality, and vegetative growth in organically managed high tunnels at two locations in North Carolina. Significant cultivar differences in whole-season yield were observed at Greensboro, NC; but not at Goldsboro, NC. The cultivar Florida Radiance had the highest marketable and total yields, followed by Winterstar and Chandler at Greensboro, whereas Benicia, Winterstar, and Chandler were the top producing cultivars at Goldsboro. Harvest of day-neutral cultivars San Andreas and Albion started in November. For Junebearing cultivars, Florida Radiance began to produce harvestable berries in late December, followed by Winterstar in early January. Peak harvest occurred in April for all cultivars. At the end of the season, 'Albion' had smaller canopy size than other cultivars. It also developed the fewest number of branch crowns and least aboveground biomass. Total soluble solid (TSS) content in April was lower than that observed early and late in the season for all cultivars, although Strawberry Festival exhibited a relatively stable TSS throughout the season. 'Benicia' produced the largest strawberries in the early season, but its fruit weight was remarkably reduced as the season progressed. Severe frost events occurred on 18 and 20 Feb. that caused an average of 61.5 and 32.2 open blossom damage at Greensboro and Goldsboro, respectively. The recommended cultivars based on this 1-year study are Florida Radiance, Benicia, and Camino Real for June-bearing cultivars, and Albion and San Andreas for day-neutral cultivars.
机译:高隧道草莓(Fragaria xananassa)的长季生产对小农户来说具有巨大的经济潜力。然而,关于适合高隧道的品种的信息相当有限。在 2014-15 季节进行的这项研究中,在北卡罗来纳州两个地点的有机管理高隧道中评估了八个六月结果品种(Florida Radiance、Benicia、Camarosa、Camino Real、Chandler、Strawberry Festival、Sweet Charlie 和 Winterstar)和两个日中性品种(San Andreas 和 Albion)的草莓塞产量、果实质量和营养生长。在北卡罗来纳州格林斯博罗观察到全季产量的显著品种差异;但不是在北卡罗来纳州的戈尔兹伯勒。品种 Florida Radiance 的可销售产量和总产量最高,其次是格林斯博罗的 Winterstar 和 Chandler,而 Benicia、Winterstar 和 Chandler 是 Goldsboro 产量最高的品种。日中性品种圣安地列斯和阿尔比恩的收获始于 11 月。对于6月品种,Florida Radiance在12月下旬开始生产可收获的浆果,随后在1月初开始生产Winterstar。所有品种的收获高峰期均在4月。在季节结束时,“阿尔比恩”的树冠尺寸比其他品种小。它还发展了最少的枝冠数量和最少的地上生物量。4月总可溶性固形物(TSS)含量均低于所有品种的早晚期,但整个草莓节的TSS相对稳定。“Benicia”在早季生产了最大的草莓,但随着季节的进行,它的果实重量显着减少。2 月 18 日和 20 日发生了严重的霜冻事件,分别在格林斯博罗和戈尔兹博罗分别造成了平均 61.5% 和 32.2% 的开放开花损害。根据这项为期 1 年的研究,推荐的品种是 Florida Radiance、Benicia 和 Camino Real(用于 6 月产品种),以及 Albion 和 San Andreas 用于日中性品种。



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