首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture: Design, research and application >Validation of volumetric error compensation for a five-axis machine using surface mismatch producing tests and on-machine touch probing

Validation of volumetric error compensation for a five-axis machine using surface mismatch producing tests and on-machine touch probing


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In order to validate volumetric error compensation methods for five-axis machine tools, the machining of test parts has been proposed. For such tests, a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) or other external measurement, outside of the machine tool, is required to measure the accuracy of the machined part. In this paper, a series of machining tests are proposed to validate a compensation strategy and compare the machining accuracy before and after the compensation using only on-machine measurements. The basis of the tests is to machine slots, each completed using two different rotary axes indexations of the CNC machine tool. Using directional derivatives of the volumetric errors, it is possible to verify that a surface mismatch is produced between the two halves of the same slot in the presence of specific machine geometric errors. The mismatch at the both sides of the slot, which materializes the machine volumetric errors is measured using touch probing by the erroneous machine itself and with high accuracy since the measurement of both slot halves can be conducted using a single set of rotary axes indexation and in a volumetric region of a few millimetres. The effect of a compensation strategy is then validated by comparing the surface mismatch value for compensated and uncompensated slots.



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