首页> 外文期刊>International journal of law and psychiatry >Do forensic practitioners distinguish between testifying and consulting experts? A pilot study

Do forensic practitioners distinguish between testifying and consulting experts? A pilot study


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Forensic mental health professionals (n = 44) reviewed a series of statements that an attorney might make to a consulting or testifying expert. Each statement was rated for its degree of appropriateness to either the consulting or the testifying role. In light of increasing attention paid to this topic in the forensic practice literature, as well as long-standing distinctions recognized by the legal profession, it was originally hypothesized that participants would differentiate clearly between these roles; however, results of this pilot study indicate that forensic practitioners do not possess a consistent sense of which activities rest most comfortably within testimonial as opposed to consulting duties. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:法医精神卫生专业人员(n = 44)审查了律师可能会向咨询专家或作证专家发表的一系列声明。每条陈述都根据其在咨询或作证角色中的适当程度进行了评级。鉴于法务实践文献对这一主题的关注日益增加,以及法律界公认的长期差异,最初的假设是,参与者可以清楚地区分这些角色;然而,这项初步研究的结果表明,法医从业者并不始终如一地感觉到哪些活动最适合在推荐书中进行,而不是咨询工作。 (C)2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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