首页> 外文期刊>British journal of ophthalmology >A comparative clinical trial of the efficacy of two different aqueous solutions of cyclosporine for the treatment of moderate-to-severe dry eye syndrome.

A comparative clinical trial of the efficacy of two different aqueous solutions of cyclosporine for the treatment of moderate-to-severe dry eye syndrome.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of two different concentrations of cyclosporine A (CsA) in aqueous solution compared to vehicle in patients with dry eye syndrome. DESIGN: Multicentre, randomised, double-masked, vehicle-controlled, clinical trial. METHODS: A total of 183 patients were enrolled and randomised to either CsA 1% (group A), CsA 0.05% (group B) or vehicle only (group C). The main objective was to evaluate the efficacy of CsA aqueous solution in the reduction of signs and symptoms in patients with moderate to severe dry eye disease. RESULTS: An early (day 21) statistically significant improvement (p<0.05) was evident in four symptoms and three ocular signs in group A. An equivalent improvement in three symptoms and three ocular signs was demonstrated in group B. A significant improvement was identified in two symptoms and two ocular signs in group C. Comparing the three groups together, group A performed better in four symptoms than group B did with just one symptom. Group C did not show significant improvement. At day 42, group A showed improvement in four symptoms, while group B showed improvement in one symptom and one ocular sign. CONCLUSIONS: Cyclosporine A reduced complaints and improved major ocular signs in patients with moderate-to-severe dry eye disease. The group treated with the 0.1% cyclosporine A aqueous solution outperformed the other groups.
机译:目的:评价两种不同浓度的环孢素A(CsA)在水溶液中与媒介物相比在干眼症患者中的疗效和安全性。设计:多中心,随机,双掩蔽,车辆控制的临床试验。方法:总共183例患者被随机分为CsA 1%(A组),CsA 0.05%(B组)或仅载剂(C组)。主要目的是评估CsA水溶液在减轻中度至重度干眼症患者的体征和症状方面的功效。结果:A组的四个症状和三个眼部症状在早期(第21天)有统计学意义的显着改善(p <0.05)。B组显示了三个症状和三个眼部症状的等效改善。已确认有显着改善C组有两种症状和两种眼部症状。将这三组进行比较,A组在四种症状上的表现比B组仅有一种症状的表现更好。 C组未见明显改善。在第42天,A组表现出四种症状的改善,而B组表现出一种症状和一种眼部症状的改善。结论:环孢素A可减轻中度至重度干眼症患者的主诉并改善其主要眼部症状。用0.1%环孢素A水溶液处理的组优于其他组。



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