首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cardiology >Blood pressure control rate and associated risk factors in hospitals of different grades in Chongqing, China

Blood pressure control rate and associated risk factors in hospitals of different grades in Chongqing, China


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Objective The present article aimed to provide accurate estimate of the control rate of hypertension and the influencing factors in hospitals of different grades in Chongqing.Methods In this survey, hypertensive outpatients were recruited from 5 tertiary hospitals, 6 secondary hospitals and 5 primary hospitals in 9 districts of Chongqing from November 2011 to May 2012. Outpatients were investigated by clinical interview with BP measurement and questionnaire. Univariate analyses and logistic regression analysis was used to assess the effect of variables on control of hypertension. Result A total of 2742 hypertensives were studied, of which 820 were from primary hospitals, 901 from secondary hospitals and 1021 from tertiary hospitals. The total control rate for hypertensive outpatients in Chongqing was 46.0%. The control rate of the primary,secondary and tertiary hospitals were 38.7% 46.7% 51.1%. Multinomial Logistic Regression showed that the control rate was positively correlated with mastery of knowledge of hypertension, normal BMI;whereas it was positively correlated with peasantry,the dissatisfactory with doctor's manner and the distrust to doctor. Conclusion Blood pressure control rate of hypertensive outpatients in Chongqing was low.High BMI, peasantry, lack of knowledge of hypertension, doctors' manners, distrust to doctor were the key reasons for low BP control rate.
机译:目的本研究旨在准确评估重庆市不同档次医院的高血压控制率及其影响因素。方法本研究从9家医院中的5家三级医院,6家二级医院和5家基层医院招募高血压门诊患者。 2011年11月至2012年5月在重庆市辖区。通过BP测量和问卷调查对门诊患者进行临床访谈。单变量分析和逻辑回归分析用于评估变量对高血压控制的影响。结果共研究了2742例高血压,其中基层医院为820例,二级医院为901例,三级医院为1021例。重庆市高血压门诊总控制率为46.0%。基层,二级和三级医院的控制率分别为38.7%46.7%51.1%。多项Logistic回归分析表明,控制率与对高血压知识的掌握程度,正常BMI呈正相关;而与农民,对医生态度的不满意和对医生的不信任度呈正相关。结论重庆市高血压门诊患者的血压控制率偏低。体重指数高,农民,对高血压的知识缺乏,医生的态度,对医生的不信任是导致血压控制率低的主要原因。



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