首页> 外文期刊>HortTechnology >Herbicide Applications and Incorporation Methods Affect Dazomet Efficacy on Bermudagrass

Herbicide Applications and Incorporation Methods Affect Dazomet Efficacy on Bermudagrass


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Turfgrass renovations commonly involve changing cultivars or species that are better suited for a given setting. Common bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. is a perennial turfgrass that is difficult to eradicate before renovations, and poses contaminant concerns for the subsequent stand. Dazomet is a granular soil fumigant that has activity on various pests, including common bermudagrass. Field research was conducted from 2015 to 2016 in Raleigh, NC and College Station, TX to evaluate dazomet treatments including various combinations of soil incorporation (irrigation-or tillage-incorporated) and sealing (tarp or no tarp) methods, application rates 291, 291 followed by (fb) 291, 468, or 583 kg.ha(-1), and fluazifop-P fluazifop (0.4 kg.ha(-1)) + glyphosate (2.8 kg.ha(-1) acid equivalent) application(s) for established common bermudagrass control. Overall, treatments required fluazifop + glyphosate before dazomet application for acceptable control (>90 cover reduction) at 42 and 46 weeks after initial treatment (WAIT) in Texas and North Carolina, respectively. Soil-incorporation results varied by location, with dazomet application (583 kg.ha(-1)) fb tillage resulting in >= 88 cover reduction across locations, while acceptable control from irrigation incorporation was only observed in North Carolina. Tarping did not improve efficacy when tillage incorporation at the maximum label application rate provided acceptable control, suggesting practitioners may eliminate this procedure. Information from this research will aid turfgrass managers in developing cost-effective, ecologically sound common bermudagrass eradication programs before renovations.
机译:草坪草翻新通常涉及更换更适合特定环境的品种或物种。百慕大草 [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] 是一种多年生草坪草,在翻新前难以根除,并对随后的林分造成污染问题。Dazomet 是一种颗粒状土壤熏蒸剂,对各种害虫有活性,包括常见的百慕大草。2015 年至 2016 年在北卡罗来纳州罗利市和德克萨斯州大学城进行了实地研究,以评估达唑梅特处理,包括土壤掺入(灌溉或耕作)和密封(防水布或无防水布)方法的各种组合、施用量 [291、291 其次是 (FB) 291、468 或 583 kg.ha(-1)],以及氟哽磷 [fluazifop (0.4 kg.ha(-1))] + 草甘膦(2.8 kg.ha(-1) 酸当量)施用,用于建立常见的百慕大草控制。总体而言,在德克萨斯州和北卡罗来纳州,分别在初始治疗 (WAIT) 后 42 周和 46 周,在应用达唑美之前需要氟哌唑 + 草甘膦进行可接受的控制(>90% 覆盖率降低)。土壤掺入结果因地点而异,施用 dazomet (583 kg.ha(-1)) fb 耕作导致 >= 88% 的覆盖率减少,而灌溉掺入的可接受控制仅在北卡罗来纳州观察到。当以最大标签施用量进行耕作时,防水布并没有提高疗效,这表明从业者可以消除这一程序。这项研究的信息将帮助草坪草管理者在翻新之前制定具有成本效益、生态无害的共同百慕大草根除计划。



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