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On the origin and evolution of life in the Galaxy


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A simple stochastic model for evolution, based upon the need to pass a sequence of n critical steps is applied to both terrestrial and extraterrestrial origins of life. In the former case, the time at which humans have emerged during the habitable period of Earth suggests a value of n = 4. Progressively adding earlier evolutionary transitions gives an optimum fit when n = 5, implying either that their initial transitions are not critical or that habitability began around 6 Ga ago. The origin of life on Mars or elsewhere within the Solar System is excluded by the latter case and the simple anthropic argument is that extraterrestrial life is scarce in the Universe because it does not have time to evolve. Alternatively, the timescale can be extended if the migration of basic progenotic material to Earth is possible. If extra transitions are included in the model to allow for Earth migration, then the start of habitability needs to be even earlier than 6 Ga ago. Our present understanding of Galactic habitability and dynamics does not exclude this possibility. We conclude that Galactic punctuated equilibrium, proposed as a way round the anthropic problem, is not the only way of making life more common in the Galaxy.
机译:基于需要通过一系列n个关键步骤的进化的简单随机模型,被应用于陆地和陆地外的生命起源。在前一种情况下,人类在地球可居住时期出现的时间表明值为n =4。在n = 5时,逐步添加较早的进化变迁将提供最佳拟合,这意味着他们的初始变迁并不重要或适居性始于约6 Ga。后一种情况排除了火星或太阳系内其他地方的生命起源,简单的人类论证是宇宙中的外星生命是稀缺的,因为它没有时间进化。或者,如果可以将基本的后代材料迁移到地球,则可以延长时间尺度。如果模型中包含了额外的转变以允许地球迁移,那么宜居性的开始甚至必须早于6 Ga。我们目前对银河可居住性和动力学的理解并不排除这种可能性。我们得出的结论是,作为解决人类问题的一种方法提出的银河标点均衡不是使生活在银河系中更普遍的唯一方法。



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