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Balancing search and retrieval in hypertext: context-specific trade-offs in navigational tool use


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We compare user navigation performance using two hypertext. information sites of identical node structure but embedded in different metaphors. The first is based upon the layout of a house and is consistent with Euclidean space. The second represents social links between people for which a spatial metaphor is not apparent. Search for targets within the structures, and the speed of their subsequent retrieval on a second search, is compared in a 2 x 4 x 2 factorial design manipulating: metaphor (spatial or non-spatial); navigation tools (participants have both a site map and bookmark tool, one of these, or no tools at all) and the time pressure under which navigation is carried out (paced or unpaced). A strong main effect is found in which the spatial metaphor produces higher performance under all conditions. Similarly, time pressure has the general effect of trading-off a faster initial search with less efficient retrieval later. However, navigation tool use is highly context dependent and sometimes counter-intuitive: certain conditions show poorer performance with two navigation aids than one. We argue that navigation tools are mediating structures for activities, such as bookmarking and learning the structure of the site, which represent cognitive investment for future retrieval. In this view, user performance is optimized by the balance of two potentially antagonistic conditions. First, the usability of tools and metaphor must free cognitive resources for planning; but also, the difficulty of the task and the need for planning must remain visible to the user. The implications for design are discussed. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. [References: 32]
机译:我们比较了使用两个超文本的用户导航性能。节点结构相同但嵌入不同隐喻的信息站点。第一种是基于房屋的布局,并且与欧几里得空间一致。第二个代表不存在空间隐喻的人与人之间的社会联系。在2 x 4 x 2阶乘设计中比较了结构内目标的搜索以及第二次搜索时其后续检索的速度:隐喻(空间或非空间);导航工具(参与者拥有站点地图和书签工具,其中之一,或者根本没有工具)以及进行导航的时间压力(节奏或不节奏)。发现了一个强大的主效应,其中空间隐喻在所有条件下都可以产生更高的性能。类似地,时间压力具有折衷的效果,即权衡更快的初始搜索和后来的低效率检索。但是,导航工具的使用在很大程度上取决于上下文,有时甚至违反直觉:某些情况下,使用两种导航工具的性能比使用一种导航工具差。我们认为导航工具是活动的中介结构,例如添加书签和学习站点的结构,这表示对未来检索的认知投资。按照这种观点,通过两种潜在拮抗条件的平衡来优化用户性能。首先,工具和隐喻的可用性必须释放用于计划的认知资源。而且,任务的难度和计划的需求必须对用户保持可见。讨论了设计的意义。 (C)2002由Elsevier Science Ltd.发布[参考:32]



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