首页> 外文期刊>International journal of gynecological pathology: Official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists >Misplaced Skene's glands: glandular elements in the lower female genital tract that are variably immunoreactive with prostate markers and that encompass vaginal tubulosquamous polyp and cervical ectopic prostatic tissue.

Misplaced Skene's glands: glandular elements in the lower female genital tract that are variably immunoreactive with prostate markers and that encompass vaginal tubulosquamous polyp and cervical ectopic prostatic tissue.


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So-called ectopic prostatic tissue in the cervix and vaginal tubulosquamous polyps are rare morphologically similar lesions that may show positive immunohistochemical staining with prostatic markers. It has been suggested that they are related to paraurethral Skene's glands that are the female equivalent of prostatic glands in the male. We report a large series of lesions in women aged 23 to 81 years, found within the cervix (n=24), vagina (n=10), and vulva (n=2), which we believe to be a part of a spectrum of lesions derived from Skene's glands, either eutopic or more commonly misplaced during embryonic development. In all cervical cases, the lesion was predominantly situated in the ectocervix and was an incidental finding in specimens procured for a variety of reasons. In the vagina, the lesions usually presented themselves as polyps or cysts, although occasionally they were an incidental finding. The 2 vulval cases were incidental findings in punch biopsies. The basic morphological features were of epithelial elements of both glandular and squamous type; in some cases, the glandular elements formed a double cell layer. Uncommon findings included the presence of sebaceous glands in 2 cases (1 cervix, 1 vagina), basaloid formations resembling hair follicle structures in 4 (2 cervix, 2 vagina), and a microglandular proliferation resembling nephrogenic adenoma in 1 vaginal case. Prostate-specific antigen was positive in 13 of 26 cases and prostatic acid phosphatase in 16 of 26 tested. Six cases were negative with both markers. We propose that these benign lesions in the cervix, vagina, and vulva are derived from eutopic or misplaced Skene's glands.
机译:宫颈和阴道输卵管鳞状息肉中的所谓异位前列腺组织是罕见的形态相似的病灶,可能显示出具有前列腺标志物的阳性免疫组织化学染色。有人认为它们与尿道旁Skene腺有关,后者与雌性前列腺癌等效。我们报告了在宫颈(n = 24),阴道(n = 10)和外阴(n = 2)内发现的一系列年龄在23至81岁的女性的病变,我们认为这是频谱的一部分源于Skene腺的病变,可能在胚胎发育过程中处于同位或更常见。在所有宫颈病例中,病变主要位于子宫颈,并且是由于各种原因而获得的标本中的偶然发现。在阴道中,病变通常表现为息肉或囊肿,尽管偶尔是偶然发现。 2例外阴病例是在打孔活组织检查中偶然发现的。基本形态特征是腺样和鳞状上皮成分。在某些情况下,腺体元素形成了一个双细胞层。罕见的发现包括2例(1子宫颈,1个阴道)皮脂腺的存在,4例(2子宫颈,2个阴道)的类似于毛囊结构的基底层形成和1例阴道的类似于肾源性腺瘤的微腺增生。前列腺特异性抗原在26例中有13例呈阳性,而前列腺酸磷酸酶在26例中有16例呈阳性。两种标记均为阴性的6例。我们认为子宫颈,阴道和外阴的这些良性病变是由对位或错位的Skene腺引起的。



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