首页> 外文期刊>International journal of gynecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics >Second-trimester pregnancy termination with oral misoprostol in women who have had one cesarean section.

Second-trimester pregnancy termination with oral misoprostol in women who have had one cesarean section.


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Misoprostol, a prostaglandin (PG) E-, analog, has become an important drug in the practice of obstetrics and gynecology not only for its ability to bring about cervical changes and uterine contractions but also for its low cost, easy storage at room temperature, and minimal adverse effects. Spontaneous labor in women with a prior uterine scar rarely leads to problems, but there is a risk of uterine rupture and dehiscence with induced labor , Although there are several reports in the literature about misoprostol administration inwomen with scarred uterus at term, only few address its use in the second trimester .Between January 1998 and January 2004, 57 pregnant women consecutively underwent second-trimester pregnancy termination with oral misoprostol in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Baskent University Hospital. Indications for termination included intrauterine fetal death, fetal structural abnormalities, and chromosomal abnormalities. The women in the study were assigned to 1 of 3 groupsaccording to the previous delivery routes: group 1 (n=29) consisted of women who had previous vaginal delivery, group 2 (n = 16) of nulliparous women, and group 3 (n = 12) of women with a history of 1 low segment transverse cesarean delivery. The regimen used in all women was 200 mug of misoprostol orally every hour for a maximum of 6 tablets (1200 mug) per day.
机译:米索前列醇(prostaglandin(PG)E-类似物)已成为产科和妇科实践中的重要药物,不仅因为其具有引起宫颈变化和子宫收缩的能力,而且还因为其低成本,易于在室温下保存,和最小的不良影响。具有先天性子宫瘢痕的妇女的自然分娩很少导致问题,但是存在引产引起的子宫破裂和裂开的风险。尽管有文献报道足月子宫结疤的米索前列醇给药妇女,但只有很少的报道能解决这一问题。在1998年1月至2004年1月期间,共有57名孕妇在Baskent大学医院的妇产科接受了口服米索前列醇的孕中期终止妊娠。终止的指征包括宫内胎儿死亡,胎儿结构异常和染色体异常。根据先前的分娩方式,将研究中的妇女分为3组中的1组:第1组(n = 29)由先前阴道分娩的妇女组成,第2组(n = 16)的未产妇,第3组(n = 12)曾有1次低段横向剖宫产的女性。在所有妇女中使用的方案是每小时口服200杯米索前列醇,每天最多6片(1200杯)。



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