首页> 外文期刊>International journal of gynecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics >Mode of delivery and neonatal respiratory morbidity among HIV-exposed newborns in Latin America and the Caribbean: NISDI Perinatal-LILAC Studies.

Mode of delivery and neonatal respiratory morbidity among HIV-exposed newborns in Latin America and the Caribbean: NISDI Perinatal-LILAC Studies.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate respiratory morbidity (RM) in HIV-exposed newborns according to mode of delivery. METHODS: The NISDI Perinatal/LILAC prospective cohort studies enrolled HIV-infected pregnant women and their newborns in Latin America and the Caribbean. Associations between RM and delivery mode or other characteristics were evaluated. RESULTS: Between September 2002 and December 2009, 1630 women were enrolled, and 1443 mother-infant pairs met the inclusion criteria. There were 561 vaginal (VD), 269 cesarean before labor and membrane rupture (SCS) for preventing mother-to-child transmission (SCS-PMTCT), 248 other SCS, and 365 cesarean after labor and/or ruptured membranes (NSCS) deliveries. In total, 108 (7.5%) newborns had RM: 49 had respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), 39 had transient tachypnea (TTN), and 28 had other events (7 newborns had >1 RM event). Delivery mode was associated with RDS (P<0.005) and TTN (P<0.001). The proportion with RDS and TTN was lowest for VD (1.6% and 0.5%, respectively), highest for NSCS (4.9% and 4.7%), and intermediate for SCS-PMTCT (3.0% and 2.6%). Newborns with RDS or TTN were hospitalized longer (median +1day) than those without. A minority required ventilatory support (RDS, 24.5%-28.6%; TTN, 2.6%-15.4%). CONCLUSIONS: SCS-PMTCT is relatively safe for newborns of HIV-infected women.
机译:目的:根据分娩方式评估暴露于艾滋病毒的新生儿的呼吸道疾病(RM)。方法:NISDI围产期/ LILAC前瞻性队列研究纳入了拉丁美洲和加勒比地区受HIV感染的孕妇及其新生儿。评估了RM和交付模式或其他特征之间的关联。结果:2002年9月至2009年12月,招募了1630名妇女,符合纳入标准的1443对母婴。分娩和预防胎膜破裂(NSCS)后,有561例阴道(VD),分娩前269例剖腹产以防止母婴传播(SCS-PMTCT),其他248例SCS和365例剖宫产。 。总共108例(7.5%)新生儿患有RM:49例患有呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS),39例发生短暂性呼吸急促(TTN),28例发生其他事件(7例新生儿发生> 1 RM事件)。递送模式与RDS(P <0.005)和TTN(P <0.001)相关。 VDS的RDS和TTN比例最低(分别为1.6%和0.5%),NSCS的比例最高(4.9%和4.7%),SCS-PMTCT的比例中等(3.0%和2.6%)。患有RDS或TTN的新生儿住院时间(中位数+1天)比没有新生儿的住院时间更长。少数需要通气支持(RDS,24.5%-28.6%; TTN,2.6%-15.4%)。结论:SCS-PMTCT对感染了艾滋病毒的妇女的新生儿相对安全。


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