首页> 外文期刊>British journal of nursing: BJN >Care in local communities: A new vision for district nursing

Care in local communities: A new vision for district nursing


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On 4 January 2013, The Queen's Nursing Institute (QNI), in conjunction with the NHS Commissioning Board and the Department of Health (DH), published Care in Local Communities: A new vision and model for district nursing (DH, 2013). The report comes in the wake of concerns about "whether the declining number of district nurses will be sufficient to meet the challenges of an ageing population. Its aim is to promote district nursing as an attractive career option for those registered nurses who are motivated to drive up the quality of care delivery in the community, The new vision for district nursing has been introduced in conjunction with Compassion in Practice: Nursing, midwifery and care staff. Our vision in practice, which was published in December 2012 (NHS Commissioning Board, 2012).
机译:2013年1月4日,女王护理学院(QNI)与NHS调试委员会和卫生署(DH)联合发布了《当地社区护理:地区护理的新视野和新模式》(DH,2013)。该报告引起关注的是,“地区护士人数的减少是否足以应付人口老龄化的挑战。其目的是促进地区护理成为那些有志于开车的注册护士的有吸引力的职业选择。为了提高社区的护理质量,我们在实践中引入了新的地区护理愿景,即“同情实践:护理,助产士和护理人员”。我们的实践愿景于2012年12月发布(NHS调试委员会,2012年) )。



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