
Cohort profile: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa).


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The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) was planned in the 1990s partly by researchers at the Medical Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN) and partly by researchers at the National Institute of Public Health (from 2002 comprising MBRN as well as other institutions and renamed the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH). The study had a long planning phase involving many scientists who contributed ideas that helped to design questionnaires and to structure the biobank, which is described in detail elsewhere. Collaboration was established with the Danish Birth Cohort Study,3 which was planned in parallel with MoBa. In 1997, a pilot study was undertaken, recruiting pregnant women at their first visit to their general practitioner. However, the main study did not implement this data collection method owing to protests made by a group of general practitioners who argued against the scientific value of the study and suggested that women would be unduly worried by its focus on risks of disease. As aconsequence of the protests, the Parliament Social Committee ordered the Ministry of Health to abandon further planning until these issues had been reviewed. After the review by the Committee in 1998, Parliament voted in favour of the study. The government provided seed money. The NIPH decided to commence the study on a small scale and expand as funds became available. The total cost during the recruitment period (1999-2008) has been estimated at -45 million dollars. Roughly two-thirds of the funding comes directly from the Ministry of Health and the NIPH. The Research Council of Norway decided early on that it would not support basic data collection but has supported DNA extraction through a programme on functional genomics. The remaining funds have been derived from national and international (National Institutes of Health, USA and integrated projects within theFrameworks for Research in the European Union) funding based on research collaboration. However, the data collection has yet to be completely funded. Sub-projects requiring additional data collection must have separate funding.
机译:挪威母婴队列研究(MoBa)计划于1990年代进行,部分由挪威医疗出生登记局(MBRN)的研究人员进行,部分由国家公共卫生研究所的研究人员(从2002年开始,包括MBRN以及其他机构和研究机构)进行。更名为挪威公共卫生研究所(NIPH),该研究历时很长,涉及许多科学家,他们提供了有助于设计调查表和构建生物库的想法,其他地方对此进行了详细介绍,并与丹麦出生队列建立了合作关系。与MoBa计划同时进行的研究3于1997年进行了一项初步研究,招募了初次访问全科医生的孕妇,但是由于研究者的抗议,主要研究并未采用这种数据收集方法。一群全科医生反对这项研究的科学价值,并建议妇女对风险的关注会过分担心疾病由于抗议活动的结果,议会社会委员会命令卫生部放弃进一步的计划,直到对这些问题进行了审查。在委员会于1998年进行审查之后,议会投票赞成该研究报告。政府提供了种子资金。 NIPH决定从小规模开始研究,并随着资金的获得而扩大。征聘期间(1999-2008年)的总费用估计为-4500万美元。大约三分之二的资金直接来自卫生部和NIPH。挪威研究理事会早些时候决定不支持基本数据收集,而是通过功能基因组计划支持DNA提取。其余资金来自国家和国际(美国国立卫生研究院,以及欧盟研究框架内的综合项目),基于研究合作。但是,数据收集尚未完全获得资助。需要更多数据收集的子项目必须有单独的资金。



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