首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology >Toxicological impacts of a botanical pesticide, azadirachtin on corpuscles of Stannius of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis

Toxicological impacts of a botanical pesticide, azadirachtin on corpuscles of Stannius of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis

机译:植物性农药印za素对毒cat鱼Stannius fossil小体化石的毒理学影响

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Heteropneustes fossilis were subjected to 41.89 mg L-1 of azadirachtin for short-term exposure (96 h) and 10.47 mg L-1 of azadirachtin for long-term exposure (28 days). The fish were killed on 24, 48, 72 and 96 h in short-term and 7, 14, 21 and 28 days in long-term experiment. Corpuscles of Stannius (CS) were fixed on these time intervals. CS remain unchanged till 72 h in short-termazadirachtin exposure. Accumulation of granules has been noticed in the aldehyde fuchsin (AF)-positive cells at 96 h. The nuclear volume of these cells remains unchanged. The AF-negative cells of CS of azadirachtin-exposed fish exhibit a slight increase in their nuclear volume after 96 h. In long-term exposure, the CS remain unchanged up to day 14. Increased granulation in the AF-positive cells has been noticed following 21-day exposure. Moreover, the nuclear volumes of these cells show a significant decrease. Heavy accumulation of AF-positive granules and few degenerating cells are also noticed at 28 day in azadirachtin-exposed H. fossilis.
机译:对化石类杂多孢菌进行短期暴露(96 h)处理的印ach素为41.89 mg L-1,对于长期暴露(28天)的印za素为10.47 mg L-1。在短期实验中分别在24、48、72和96小时杀死鱼类,而在长期实验中则在7、14、21和28天杀死鱼类。斯坦尼乌斯(CS)的小体固定在这些时间间隔上。 CS保持不变,直到短期azadirachtin暴露72 h。在醛品红(AF)阳性细胞中,在96小时时发现了颗粒的积累。这些细胞的核体积保持不变。暴露于印ach素的鱼的CS的AF阴性细胞在96 h后其核体积略有增加。在长期暴露中,CS一直保持不变,直到第14天。暴露21天后,发现AF阳性细胞的肉芽增加。而且,这些细胞的核体积显示出明显的减少。在暴露于印dir素的H.化石中,在28天时也观察到AF阳性颗粒的大量积累和少量的退化细胞。



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