首页> 外文期刊>International journal of e-health and medical communications. >Fusion of Multiple Sensors Sources in a Smart Home to Detect Scenarios of Activities in Ambient Assisted Living

Fusion of Multiple Sensors Sources in a Smart Home to Detect Scenarios of Activities in Ambient Assisted Living


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This work takes place within the framework of Smart Homes, with the goal to monitor the activities of elderly people, living independently at home, in order to continuously assess their level of activity and therefore their autonomy. A method is proposed for the selection of a range of sensors and for multiple data fusion. The system was evaluated on 7 young and 4 elderly healthy subjects who performed scenarios of daily activities (sleeping, eating, walking, and transfer) within a controlled environment. These activities were correctly classified with an overall sensitivity and specificity of 67.0% (out of 267 activities) and 52.6% (502) for the group of young people, and of 86.9% (222) and 59.3% (492) for the elderly group. The results were better with activities commonly performed in a dedicated location (i.e., taking meals in the kitchen, toileting in the bathroom). The results are acceptable with a reduced set of sensors although numerous and/or more informative sensors (i.e., video, sound detection, sensitive floors, etc.) give higher results at the cost of more cumbersome and costly systems, difficult to deploy in a private home and eventually more intrusive.
机译:这项工作是在智能家居的框架内进行的,目的是监视独立生活在家里的老年人的活动,以便不断评估他们的活动水平,从而评估他们的自主权。提出了一种用于选择传感器范围和进行多数据融合的方法。该系统对7名年轻和4名老年健康受试者进行了评估,这些受试者在受控环境中进行了日常活动(睡觉,进食,散步和转移)。对这些活动进行了正确分类,青年组的总体敏感性和特异性分别为67.0%(在267种活动中)和52.6%(502),老年组分别为86.9%(222)和59.3%(492)。 。通过通常在专用位置进行的活动(例如,在厨房用餐,在卫生间上厕所),效果会更好。尽管传感器数量减少和/或信息量更多(例如,视频,声音检测,敏感楼层等),但以笨重和昂贵的系统为代价,却提供了更高的结果,但结果却是可以接受的。私人住宅,最终更具侵入性。



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