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Advances in medicine and blood pressure management.


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In the April 1909 edition of the BJN, there was a report on a lecture to nurses, the subject of which was the advancement of medical science. It included the following description of how myxoedema treatment had developed over the years:'In Switzerland the surgeons began removing goitres, with the result that in some cases a condition similar to that of myxoedema was produced, and it began to be recognized that they were connected with abnormal conditions of the thyroid gland. In 1888, the Clinical Society issued a report on myxoedema in which there was not a word of hope, then came the grafting of the thyroid gland of a healthy animal to fufil the functions of the defective human gland. Next, thyroid extract was given hypodermically, and the gland was also administered in sandwich form. Finally, instead of these somewhat crude methods, exact doses of thyroid extract can now be given in tablet form.'Some very striking illustrations of patients suffering from myxoedema before and after treatment were shown, and also cases of sporadic cretinism in children - repulsive looking abnormalities - until, by the admission of thyroid extract,the soul gradually dawned in their faces, and the children became normal and intelligent looking.'
机译:在1909年4月的BJN版中,有一份关于护士讲座的报告,其主题是医学科学的进步。它包括以下关于粘液水肿治疗发展历程的描述:“在瑞士,外科医生开始清除甲状腺肿,结果在某些情况下产生了类似于粘液水肿的病状,并开始认识到他们是与甲状腺异常有关。 1888年,临床学会发表了一份关于粘液水肿的报告,当时没有希望,但随后移植了健康动物的甲状腺,以实现人体内缺陷腺的功能。接下来,皮下注射甲状腺提取物,腺体也以三明治形式给药。最后,代替这些有些粗略的方法,现在可以以片剂形式给予确切剂量的甲状腺提取物。'显示了一些非常惊人的插图,说明了治疗前后患有粘液水肿的患者,以及儿童偶发性克汀病的情况-令人反感异常-直到通过服用甲状腺提取物,灵魂逐渐在他们的脸上浮出水面,孩子们变得正常,聪明。



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