首页> 外文期刊>International journal of digital Earth >Monitoring changes in the Menik Farm IDP camps in Sri Lanka using multi-temporal very high-resolution satellite data

Monitoring changes in the Menik Farm IDP camps in Sri Lanka using multi-temporal very high-resolution satellite data

机译:使用多时间超高分辨率卫星数据监测斯里兰卡Menik Farm IDP营地的变化

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This paper presents the results of the application of mathematical morphology for the automatic quantification of the number of tents and the detection of changes in the Menik Farm IDP camp in Sri Lanka. The tents were retrieved using an area-constraint top-hat opening applied to WorldView-1 data. The counting of tents was based on the centroids of the automatically detected structures indicating an overall number of 25,150 tents on the 26 June 2009. The comparison with a visual interpretation produced an R2 of 0.97 with an error of 1.25%. In addition, an automated detection of changes inside a camp area was conducted. The comparison of the satellite image of 26 June 2009 (WorldView-1) and an image of 28 February 2010 (GeoEye-1) is based on mutual (mixed) information metric, after using morphological image processing techniques and previously specified criterion. Changes are observed on a terrain of around 15.2% of the total camp area and 3813 of previously detected structures disappeared in a period of 8 months.
机译:本文介绍了数学形态学在自动量化帐篷数量和检测斯里兰卡Menik Farm IDP营地变化中应用的结果。使用应用于WorldView-1数据的区域受限高帽开口检索帐篷。帐篷的计数基于自动检测到的结构的质心,该质心表明2009年6月26日的帐篷总数为25,150个。与目视观察的比较得出R2为0.97,误差为1.25%。此外,还对营地内部的变化进行了自动检测。 2009年6月26日的卫星图像(WorldView-1)和2010年2月28日的卫星图像(GeoEye-1)的比较是基于相互(混合)信息量度,然后使用形态学图像处理技术和先前指定的标准。在占总营地约15.2%的地形上观察到变化,并且在8个月内消失了3813处先前发现的建筑物。



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