首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Electronic Commerce >Do Markets Prefer Open or Proprietary Standards for XML Standardization? An Event Study

Do Markets Prefer Open or Proprietary Standards for XML Standardization? An Event Study


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Proprietary standardization seeks to increase a firm's market share (pie sharing). Open standardization seeks to increase the size of the market (pie expansion). In order to determine which of these creates more value for a firm involved in standardization, this paper investigates the market value of standardization initiatives, using an event study based on 148 XML schema standardization initiatives collected from the Lexis-Nexis database between January 1999 and December 2003. The results show that financial markets respond positively to announcements of proprietary XML schema standardization, but not to those of open XML schema standardization. Moreover, investors do not develop a preference for open standards over time. These results have implications for the management of standardization strategies and identify future research opportunities.
机译:专有的标准化旨在提高公司的市场份额(饼图共享)。开放式标准化旨在扩大市场规模(扩大市场)。为了确定其中哪一个为参与标准化的公司创造更多价值,本文使用一项事件研究,该研究基于1999年1月至12月之间从Lexis-Nexis数据库中收集的148个XML模式标准化举措进行了研究。 2003年。结果表明,金融市场对专有XML模式标准化的声明做出了积极回应,而对开放XML模式标准化的声明则没有做出反应。此外,随着时间的流逝,投资者不会对开放标准产生偏爱。这些结果对标准化策略的管理和未来的研究机会具有启示意义。



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