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MODIS observations of water color of the largest 10 lakes in China between 2000 and 2012


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Forel-Ule (FU) index of water color is an important parameter in traditional water quality investigations. We retrieved the FU index of the largest 10 lakes in China during 2000-2012 from MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer surface reflectance product (MOD09) images. Since FU index is an optical parameter, it can be derived from optical remote sensing data by direct formulas, which is invariant with region and season. Based on validation by in situ measured reflectance data, the FU index products are reliable, with average relative error of 7.7%. FU index can be used to roughly assess water clarity: the clearer a water body is, and the bluer it is in color, the smaller its FU index is. FU index can also be used to roughly classify trophic state into three classes: oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic. We analyzed the spatial, interannual, and seasonal variations of the FU index and its implications for water clarity and trophic state, and the findings are mostly consistent with the results from related literature. All in all, it might be a feasible way to roughly assess inland water quality by FU index in large region and over long time period.
机译:水彩的Forel-Ule(FU)指数是传统水质调查中的重要参数。我们从现代分辨率成像光谱仪表面反射积(MOD09)图像中检索了2000-2012年中国最大的10个湖泊的FU指数。由于FU指数是一个光学参数,因此可以通过直接公式从光学遥感数据中得出,该指数随区域和季节而不变。基于现场测量的反射率数据的验证,FU指数产品是可靠的,平均相对误差为7.7%。 FU指数可用于粗略评估水的透明度:水体越清澈,颜色越蓝,其FU指数就越小。 FU指数还可用于将营养状态大致分为三类:贫营养型,中营养型和富营养型。我们分析了FU指数的空间,年际和季节变化及其对水质和营养状态的影响,研究结果与相关文献的结果基本一致。总而言之,这可能是一个可行的方法,可以通过大范围和长期的FU指数粗略评估内陆水质。



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