首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Daily cycle of the surface energy balance in Antarctica and the influence of clouds

Daily cycle of the surface energy balance in Antarctica and the influence of clouds


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We present the summertime daily cycle of the Antarctic surface energy balance (SEB) and its sensitivity to cloud cover. We use data of automatic weather stations (AWS) located in four major Antarctic climate zones: the coastal ice shelf, the coastal and interior katabatic wind zone and the interior plateau. Absorbed short wave radiation drives the daily cycle of the SEB, in spite of the high surface albedo (0.84-0.88). The dominant heat sink is the cooling by long wave radiation, but this flux is distributed more evenly throughout the day so that a pronounced daily cycle in net all-wave radiation remains with all-sky night-time heat losses of 20-30 W m(-2) and noontime heat gains of 30-40 W m(-2). During the night, heat is re-supplied to the snow surface by the sensible heat flux, especially in the katabatic wind zone, and the sub-surface heat flux Daytime radiative energy excess is removed from the surface by sublimation (except at the high plateau) and sub-surface heat transport. Daytime convection occurs at all sites around solar noon but is generally weak. Spatial differences in the SEB are largely controlled by differences in cloud cover. Clouds are associated with higher surface temperatures and near-surface wind speeds. This especially limits nocturnal cooling, so that the strongest daytime convection is found during overcast conditions on the interior plateau. Copyright (C) 2006 Royal Meteorological Society.
机译:我们介绍了夏季南极表面能平衡(SEB)的每日周期及其对云层覆盖的敏感性。我们使用位于南极四个主要气候区的自动气象站(AWS)的数据:沿海冰架,沿海和内陆风电场和内陆高原。尽管表面反照率较高(0.84-0.88),吸收的短波辐射仍会驱动SEB的每日循环。主要的散热器是通过长波辐射进行冷却,但是这种通量在一天中分布更均匀,因此净全波辐射的每日日循环仍然很明显,而夜间空热损失为20-30 W m (-2)和中午30-40 W m(-2)的热增益。在夜间,热量通过显着的热通量重新提供给雪表面,尤其是在方差风区,并且表面下的热通量通过升华去除了白天的辐射能(高高原地区除外) )和地下热传输。白天对流发生在中午左右的所有地点,但通常较弱。 SEB中的空间差异在很大程度上受云层差异的控制。云与较高的地表温度和近地表的风速相关。这尤其限制了夜间的降温,因此在内部高原的阴天条件下,白天的对流最强。版权所有(C)2006皇家气象学会。



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