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Seasonal change of soil moisture in Mongolia: Its climatology and modelling


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Mongolia has an arid and cold climate due to its geographical settings of inland and mid-latitude highlands. The soil moisture varies seasonally, depending mainly on the balance of precipitation and evapotranspiration as well as on winter soil-freezing and spring snowmelt. Soil moisture climatology (1986-2005) for Mongolia is presented with a focus on three vegetation zones: the forest steppe, steppe, and Gobi Desert. For this purpose, we used soil moisture observations based on the gravimetric method for the top 50-cm soil layer from 26 grass-covered field sites during April-October of the 20-year period. In general, there was a latitudinal gradient in soil moisture content, with the southwestern soils being drier than northeastern soils. The seasonal change in soil moisture was small and the seasonal pattern was similar throughout Mongolia. The seasonality was characterised by three major phases of the warm season: the spring drying, summer recharge, and autumn drying phases, although each phase differed somewhat in timing and length between zones. In the northernmost forest steppe zone, the recharge phase was longer than that in the southern steppe and Gobi Desert zones, while the two drying phases were shorter in the forest steppe zone. This difference had a significant effect on the plant phenological timings of Stipa spp.; these were earlier in the forest steppe zone and later in the Gobi Desert zone. A simple water balance model was developed to examine the observed soil moisture dynamics, which implicitly simulated snow accumulation and soil freezing. The model simulated the observed seasonal and inter-annual soil moisture variations reasonably well (r = 0.75, p < 0.05). The results demonstrated that the three phases of seasonal change were produced by a subtle balance between precipitation and evapotranspiration. This model will provide a useful tool for a reliable and timely monitoring of agricultural drought for decision-makers and herders in Mongolia.
机译:蒙古由于内陆和中纬高地的地理环境,干旱干燥。土壤水分随季节变化,主要取决于降水和蒸散的平衡以及冬季的土壤冻结和春季融雪。介绍了蒙古的土壤湿度气候学(1986-2005年),重点是三个植被带:森林草原,草原和戈壁沙漠。为此,我们在20年的4月至10月期间,使用基于重量分析法的土壤湿度观测值,对26个被草覆盖的田地站点的50 cm土层顶部进行了观测。通常,土壤含水量存在一个纬度梯度,西南土壤比东北土壤干燥。在整个蒙古,土壤水分的季节变化很小,并且季节模式相似。季节变化的特征是温暖季节的三个主要阶段:春季干燥,夏季补给和秋季干燥阶段,尽管每个阶段的时间间隔和区域之间的长度有所不同。在最北端的森林草原区,补给阶段要比在南部草原和戈壁沙漠地区的补给阶段更长,而在森林草原区的两个干燥阶段要短一些。这种差异对Stipa spp。的植物物候时间有重要影响。这些早在森林草原地区,后来在戈壁沙漠地区。开发了一个简单的水平衡模型来检查观察到的土壤水分动态,从而隐式模拟积雪和土壤冻结。该模型对观测到的季节性和年际土壤水分变化进行了较好的模拟(r = 0.75,p <0.05)。结果表明,季节变化的三个阶段是由降水和蒸散之间的微妙平衡产生的。该模型将为蒙古的决策者和牧民提供可靠和及时地监测农业干旱的有用工具。



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