
Man-made climatic changes in the Ganges basin


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Climate data pertaining to the Ganges basin in Bangladesh were analysed to find any climatic changes in the wake of he upstream water diversion by the Farakka Barrage. Whereas the diversions have been continuing from at least 30 international rivers upstream of Bangladesh, the diversion from the Ganges is the best known and has a wider coverage than all other diversions. The diversion reduced the Ganges' discharge through the delta by about 60% from a prediversion average value of 1932 m~3 s~(-1), decreased water availability in flood plains, ponds, canals, and ditches by about 50%, dropped the groundwater table, and caused changes in surface feature. It took about 5 years of diversions beyond the test run year of 1975 for the environment to react to set 1981 as the baseline year. During the post-baseline era: (1) heating degree days and cooling degree days were respectively 1.33 and 1.44 times more than their counterparts during the pre-baseline era; (2) the summertime nd wintertime average temperatures were respectively 1 ℃ more and 0.5 ℃ less than the corresponding values during the pre-baseline era; (3) the mode 32 ℃ of summertime maximum temperatures was 1 ℃ higher and occurred 414 times more, and the mode 25 ℃ of wintertime temperature was 1 ℃ less and occurred 17 times less than the corresponding quantities during the pre-baseline era; (4) the average value of maximum relative humidity has increased by more than 2% and that of minimum relative humidity has dropped by the same amount; (5) the mode 95% and 70% of maximum and minimum relative humidity values have occurred 1322 times and 84 times more respectively than their pre-baseline counterparts; and (6) the frequency for 100 mm or more rainfall and the monthly average rainfalls have dropped by about 50% and 30% respectively. The solution to the climatic changes lies in the restoration of the virgin Ganges flow, dredging of the Ganges and its distributaries to remove shoals and siltation, and re-excavation of canals for water discharge to depleted surface water bodies to re-establish the lost wetland ecosystems. The findings are useful for climate modellers to predict the climatic changes due to changes in surface features, for policy makers of governments of riparian countries constructing dams/barrages on international rivers for unilateral diversion of water, and for donor agencies who finance such projects.
机译:分析了与孟加拉国恒河盆地有关的气候数据,以发现法拉卡卡弹幕上游调水后的任何气候变化。尽管至少从孟加拉国上游的30条国际河流进行了分流,但恒河的分流是最广为人知的,其覆盖范围比其他所有分流都广。分流使恒河通过三角洲的流量从分流前的平均值1932 m〜3 s〜(-1)减少了约60%,洪水泛滥区,池塘,运河和沟渠的可用水量减少了约50%,下降了地下水位,并引起地表特征的变化。在1975年的测试运行年之后,环境花了大约5年的时间才对环境做出反应,以1981年为基准年。基线后时代:(1)加热天数和冷却天数分别是基线前时期的1.33和1.44倍; (2)夏季和冬季的平均温度分别比基线前时期高1℃和低0.5℃; (3)夏季最高温度模式为32℃高1℃,多发生414倍;冬季温度25℃模式为低1℃,比基准前时期少17倍; (4)最大相对湿度的平均值增加了2%以上,最小相对湿度的平均值下降了相同的数量; (5)模式的最大相对湿度值的95%和最小相对湿度值的70%比基准前分别高出1322倍和84倍; (6)100毫米或以上的降雨频率和月平均降雨量分别下降了约50%和30%。解决气候变化的方法包括恢复原始恒河流,疏通恒河及其分布以去除浅滩和淤积,以及重新开挖运河以将水排放到枯竭的地表水体以重建失去的湿地。生态系统。这些发现对于气候建模者预测因地表特征变化而引起的气候变化,对沿岸国家在国际河流上修建大坝/拦河坝以单方面转移水的政府决策者以及为此类项目提供资金的捐助机构都是有用的。



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