首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Statistical downscaling of precipitation using a stochastic rainfall model conditioned on circulation patterns - an evaluation of assumptions

Statistical downscaling of precipitation using a stochastic rainfall model conditioned on circulation patterns - an evaluation of assumptions


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For climate impact assessment regarding hydrology, the availability of long precipitation time series with high temporal and spatial resolution is essential. A possible approach to obtain this data is the statistical downscaling of precipitation simulated by a global climate model (GCM) using a stochastic rainfall model with parameters conditioned on circulation patterns (CP). This approach requires: (1) the existence of a strong relationship between CP and precipitation, (2) the sufficient reproduction of CPs by the GCM, (3) the adequate simulation of precipitation by the rainfall model and (4) either stationarity of the relationship between precipitation and CPs or an approach to account for non-stationarity. The objective of this research is the careful evaluation and discussion of the above stated four hypotheses. For this purpose, a case study for the Aller-Leine river basin in Northern Germany has been created. It has been found that CPs can be defined which show significant differences in precipitation behaviour. The CPs derived from re-analysis data are well reproduced by the GCM simulations. In addition, the hourly stochastic rainfall model simulates the observed precipitation characteristics well, except for a certain overestimation of the extremes. However, the change in rainfall between past and future time periods as predicted by a regional climate model could not be explained by the change in CP frequency, due to the non-stationarity of the relationship between rainfall and CP. This can be best accounted for by re-estimating the parameters of the stochastic rainfall model for future conditions based on corrected observations using a delta change approach regarding simulated rainfall from a regional climate model.



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