首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Interannual variability and controls of the Sydney wave climate

Interannual variability and controls of the Sydney wave climate


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A multi-decadal beach survey dataset at a coastal embayment in Sydney, Australia, identifies erosion/accretion cycles coinciding with phase shifts in the El N?no/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In an attempt to explain the processes governing these cycles, this study explores the interannual variability and controls of the Sydney wave climate using ECMWF ERA-40 and corrected ERA-40 (C-ERA-40) reanalysis data. Comparisons with wave measurements collected by the Sydney waverider buoy show that these datasets represent the Sydney wave climate reasonably well, although westerly waves are significantly over-predicted. Removing these values strengthens correlations between predicted and measured wave heights. A summary of the Sydney wave climate from 1957 to 2002 is presented, which highlights the high degree of variability in storm events. Controls of interannual variability are investigated by comparing values in Sydney with regional mean sea level pressure anomalies, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). Austral summer wave heights over this 45-year period increase/decrease with positiveegative phases of the SOI and the SAM. An inverse relationship is found between wave directions and the SOI for the austral autumn and spring; and between wave directions and the SAM for the austral winter. Variability of storm events in Sydney is significantly correlated with the SOI, but not the SAM. In particular, La N?na phases are generally associated with longer duration, higher-energy events from a more easterly direction when compared to those during El N?no phases.
机译:澳大利亚悉尼沿海沿岸的一个十年纪的海滩调查数据集,确定了厄尔尼诺现象/南方涛动(ENSO)的相移与侵蚀/吸积周期相吻合。为了解释解释这些周期的过程,本研究使用ECMWF ERA-40和校正后的ERA-40(C-ERA-40)再分析数据探索了悉尼海浪气候的年际变化和控制。与悉尼海浪浮标所收集的海浪测量值的比较表明,尽管西风海浪明显被过度预测,但这些数据集可以很好地代表悉尼海浪气候。删除这些值会增强预测的和测量的波高之间的相关性。介绍了1957年至2002年悉尼海浪气候的摘要,突显了风暴事件的高度多变性。通过将悉尼的数值与区域平均海平面压力异常,南方涛动指数(SOI)和南方环形模式(SAM)进行比较,研究了年际变化的控制。随着SOI和SAM的正/负相位,在这45年期间的夏季南半球夏季海浪高度增加/减少。在秋季和春季,波的方向和SOI之间存在反比关系。在南方冬季,在波方向和SAM之间。悉尼风暴事件的变化与SOI显着相关,但与SAM没有显着相关。特别是,与El Nno期相比,La Nnana相通常伴随着持续时间更长,能量更高,来自更东风方向的事件。



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