首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >The performance of the Hadley Centre climate model (HADCM3) in high southern latitudes

The performance of the Hadley Centre climate model (HADCM3) in high southern latitudes


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An assessment of mean atmospheric and oceanic data from a 100-year segment of a pre-industrial control run of version 3 of the Hadley Centre climate model is presented. The model output has been verified against in situ measurements from expeditions, data from the research stations and mean fields from the 15 year re-analysis project of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The wave number 3 pattern of the mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) and 500-hPa height fields are handled reasonably well, but the climatological troughs over the Bellingshausen Sea and at 130 degrees E are too deep in winter by about 9 hPa at the surface. This is a result of positive sea-surface temperature (SST) errors over the tropical, eastern sides of the major ocean basins. These overly deep surface troughs result in the Antarctic coastal easterlies being too strong along the coast of Marie Byrd Land and much of the coast of East Antarctica. The circumpolar trough is too deep in summer by about 1.5 hPa and is located several degrees too far north in winter. Near-surface air temperatures over the interior of the Antarctic are in error by several degrees where the model has incorrect orographic height. The low-level temperature inversion is too strong over the Antarctic plateau. Precipitation minus evaporation over the interior of the Antarctic is slightly too low. The maximum in sea ice extent and the phase of the semi-annual oscillation (SAO) both lag the best available verification data by about 1 month. Copyright (C) 2006 Royal Meteorological Society.
机译:提出了对Hadley Center气候模型第3版的工业化前控制运行100年部分的平均大气和海洋数据的评估。该模型输出已针对远征队的现场测量,研究站的数据以及欧洲中型天气预报中心(ECMWF)进行的15年重新分析项目的平均场进行了验证。平均海平面压力(MSLP)和500-hPa高度场的波数3模式得到了很好的处理,但是贝灵斯豪森海和东经130度的气候槽在冬季太深,大约9 hPa。表面。这是主要海盆东部热带地区正海面温度(SST)误差的结果。这些过深的地表槽导致南极沿海东风沿玛丽·伯德(Marie Byrd Land)海岸和南极东部的大部分海岸过于强烈。夏季的极地洋极槽太深,约为1.5 hPa,而冬季则偏北数度。当模型的地形高度不正确时,南极内部的近地表空气温度有几度的误差。在南极高原,低层温度反演太强。南极内部的降水量减去蒸发量太少了。海冰范围的最大值和半年振荡(SAO)的相位都落后于大约1个月的最佳可用验证数据。版权所有(C)2006皇家气象学会。



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