首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >The climate of daily precipitation in the Alps: development and analysis of a high-resolution grid dataset from pan-Alpine rain-gauge data

The climate of daily precipitation in the Alps: development and analysis of a high-resolution grid dataset from pan-Alpine rain-gauge data


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In the region of the European Alps, national and regional meteorological services operate rain-gauge networks, which together, constitute one of the densest in situ observation systems in a large-scale high-mountain region. Data from these networks are consistently analyzed, in this study, to develop a pan-Alpine grid dataset and to describe the region's mesoscale precipitation climate, including the occurrence of heavy precipitation and long dry periods. The analyses are based on a collation of high-resolution rain-gauge data from seven Alpine countries, with 5500 measurements per day on average, spanning the period 1971-2008. The dataset is an update of an earlier version with improved data density and more thorough quality control. The grid dataset has a grid spacing of 5 km, daily time resolution, and was constructed with a distance-angular weighting scheme that integrates climatological precipitation-topography relationships. Scales effectively resolved in the dataset are coarser than the grid spacing and vary in time and space, depending on station density. We quantify the uncertainty of the dataset by cross-validation and in relation to topographic complexity, data density and season. Results indicate that grid point estimates are systematically underestimated (overestimated) at large (small) precipitation intensities, when they are interpreted as point estimates. Our climatological analyses highlight interesting variations in indicators of daily precipitation that deviate from the pattern and course of mean precipitation and illustrate the complex role of topography. The daily Alpine precipitation grid dataset was developed as part of the EU funded EURO4M project and is freely available for scientific use.
机译:在欧洲阿尔卑斯山地区,国家和地区气象服务部门使用雨量计网络,这些雨量计网络共同构成了大规模高山区地区最密集的原位观测系统之一。在本研究中,将对来自这些网络的数据进行持续分析,以建立泛高山网格数据集,并描述该地区的中尺度降水气候,包括强降水和长期干旱的发生。这些分析是基于对七个高山国家的高分辨率雨量计数据进行整理后得出的,该数据平均涵盖了1971年至2008年期间的每天5500次测量。数据集是对早期版本的更新,具有改进的数据密度和更彻底的质量控制。网格数据集的网格间隔为5 km,具有每日时间分辨率,并使用整合了气候降水-地形关系的距离角加权方案构建。在数据集中有效解析的比例比栅格间距粗,并且在时间和空间上变化,这取决于测站的密度。我们通过交叉验证以及相对于地形复杂性,数据密度和季节来量化数据集的不确定性。结果表明,当将栅格点估计值解释为点估计值时,在大(小)降水强度下会被系统低估(高估)。我们的气候分析突出了日降水指标中有趣的变化,这些变化偏离了平均降水的模式和过程,并说明了地形的复杂作用。每天的高山降水网格数据集是欧盟资助的EURO4M项目的一部分,可免费用于科学用途。


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