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Knowledge dynamics and the mergers of firms in the biotechnology based sectors


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Firms are becoming increasingly knowledge intensive but we know very little about the ways in which they create and use knowledge. In this paper, we provide a representation of the knowledge base of a firm, defined as the collective knowledge that a f irm can use to produce marketable outputs. Here the knowledge base (KB) of the firm will be mapped using patent statistics. In particular, we study the strategic reorientation and subsequent merger of Rhone Poulenc and of Hoechst. Starting from the EPO d atabase, we select the patents of the two firms for the period 1990-1998. We study the changes taking place in the KBs of the two firms, both by patent statistics and by lexicographic analysis. The latter technique allows us to create a map representing the technological classes contained in the patents of the two firms and their links. In our representation, the KB takes the form of a network with technological classes as nodes and with links determined by the co-occurrence of given key words in differ ent technological classes. The networks representing the KBs of the two firms change in the course of time following their strategic decisions. Our objective is to provide conceptual and operational definitions of the KBs of the firms and to analyse the role that the KBs play in the strategic reorientation of the two firms and in their subsequent merger. Central questions concern how the KBs of Hoechst and Rhone Poulenc changed as a consequence of their re-orientation towards the life sciences, and how the nature of the KBs of the two firms influenced the merger. Also, how did the KBs of the two firms change following the merger? What effect would the new KB have on the decision to separate (or not) the agrochemical and pharmaceutical divisions?
机译:公司的知识密集度越来越高,但是我们对他们创造和使用知识的方式知之甚少。在本文中,我们提供了企业知识库的表示形式,定义为企业可以用来产生可销售产出的集体知识。在这里,公司的知识库(KB)将使用专利统计数据进行映射。特别是,我们研究了Rhone Poulenc和Hoechst的战略调整以及随后的合并。从欧洲专利局数据库开始,我们选择两家公司1990-1998年的专利。我们通过专利统计和词典分析研究了两家公司知识库中的变化。后一种技术使我们能够创建一张地图,该地图代表两家公司的专利及其链接中包含的技术类别。在我们的表述中,知识库采用网络的形式,其中以技术类别为节点,并通过不同技术类别中给定关键词的共现来确定链接。代表两家公司知识库的网络在其战略决策后随时间而变化。我们的目标是为公司的知识库提供概念和操作定义,并分析知识库在两家公司的战略调整及其后续合并中所扮演的角色。中心问题是关于Hoechst和Rhone Poulenc的知识库由于重新定位于生命科学而如何发生变化,以及两家公司的知识库的性质如何影响合并。而且,两家公司的知识库在合并后如何变化?新知识库对分离(或不分离)农化和制药部门的决定有什么影响?



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