首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Coffee drinking and risk of endometrial cancer--a population-based cohort study.

Coffee drinking and risk of endometrial cancer--a population-based cohort study.


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Coffee drinking has been reported to have beneficial effects on insulin resistance, which has been directly associated with endometrial cancer. Although a relationship between coffee consumption and endometrial cancer risk is biologically plausible, this hypothesis has been previously explored in only 2 prospective studies, with a small number of cases. We used data from the Swedish Mammography Cohort, a population-based prospective cohort study of 60,634 women. During 17.6 years of follow-up, 677 participants were diagnosed with incident endometrial cancer (adenocarcinoma). We examined the association between self-reported coffee consumption (at baseline 1987-90 and in 1997) and endometrial cancer risk using Cox proportional hazards models. Each additional cup (200 g) of coffee per day was associated with a rate ratio (RR) of 0.90 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.83-0.97]. In women drinking 4 or more cups of coffee a day, the RR for the risk reduction of endometrial cancer was 0.75 (95% CI, 0.58-0.97) when compared with those who drank 1 cup or less. The association seemed largely confined to overweight and obese women, who showed a respective risk reduction of 12% (95% CI, 0-23%) and 20% (95% CI, 7-31%) for every cup of coffee, but was not observed among normal-weight women. There was a statistically significant interaction between coffee consumption and body mass index (p(interaction) < 0.001). These data indicate that coffee consumption may be associated with decreased risk of endometrial cancer, especially among women with excessive body weight. If confirmed by other prospective studies, these results are of major public health significance.
机译:据报道,喝咖啡对胰岛素抵抗具有有益的作用,胰岛素抵抗与子宫内膜癌直接相关。尽管咖啡摄入量与子宫内膜癌风险之间的关系在生物学上是合理的,但该假说先前仅在2项前瞻性研究中进行过探讨,涉及的病例很少。我们使用了瑞典乳房X线照相术队列研究的数据,这是一项基于人群的前瞻性队列研究,研究对象为60634名女性。在17.6年的随访期间,有677名参与者被诊断出患有子宫内膜癌(腺癌)。我们使用Cox比例风险模型研究了自我报告的咖啡摄入量(1987-90年和1997年基线)与子宫内膜癌风险之间的关联。每天每增加一杯咖啡(200克)的比率(RR)为0.90 [95%置信区间(CI)为0.83-0.97]。每天喝4杯或更多咖啡的女性与喝1杯或更少咖啡的女性相比,降低子宫内膜癌风险的RR为0.75(95%CI,0.58-0.97)。该关联似乎主要局限于超重和肥胖的妇女,她们每杯咖啡的风险降低分别为12%(95%CI,0-23%)和20%(95%CI,7-31%),但在体重正常的女性中未观察到。咖啡消耗量与体重指数之间存在统计学上的显着相互作用(p(相互作用)<0.001)。这些数据表明,喝咖啡可能与降低子宫内膜癌的风险有关,特别是在体重过重的女性中。如果得到其他前瞻性研究的证实,这些结果将对公共卫生产生重大影响。



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