首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Personal history of breast cancer as a significant risk factor for endometrial serous carcinoma in women aged 55 years old or younger.

Personal history of breast cancer as a significant risk factor for endometrial serous carcinoma in women aged 55 years old or younger.


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A comparative study between endometrial serous carcinoma (ESC) and endometrial endometrioid carcinoma (EEC) was performed to determine whether a personal history of breast cancer is a risk factor for ESC in women aged 55 yr), a personal history of breast cancer did not adversely affect the patient outcomes, which was largely dependent on standard clinicopathologic parameters such as International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage, as has previously been demonstrated. These findings suggest that a personal history of breast cancer may be a significant risk factor for the development of ESC in women aged
机译:对子宫内膜浆液性癌(ESC)和子宫内膜子宫内膜样癌(EEC)进行了比较研究,以确定55岁以下女性的乳腺癌个人病史是否是ESC的危险因素。研究对象包括348位被诊断患有ESC的女性和830位患有EEC的比较对象。研究的变量包括诊断时的年龄,乳腺癌病史,他莫昔芬疗法,激素替代疗法和吸烟史。总体而言,有ESC的女性中有19.4%的女性有乳腺癌病史,这明显高于比较对象中的3%。在研究对象中,年龄在55岁或以下(41.5%)的患者比55岁以上(16%)的患者先前患乳腺癌的发生率显着更高。前述两个比较的统计显着性与他莫昔芬在多变量分析中的使用无关。在研究组中,既往乳腺癌与子宫内膜癌之间的平均时间间隔为92.5 mo(范围7-240 mo),在比较组中为79 mo(范围7-192 mo)。对于整个队列和单个亚组(ESC,EEC,55岁和55岁以上),乳腺癌的个人病史不会对患者的预后产生不利影响,这在很大程度上取决于标准的临床病理学参数,例如国际联合会如前所述,妇产科阶段。这些发现表明,乳腺癌的个人病史可能是



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