首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Temporal trends in the incidence rate of childhood cancer in Germany 1987-2004.

Temporal trends in the incidence rate of childhood cancer in Germany 1987-2004.


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The German Childhood Cancer Registry regularly presents graphs of childhood cancer incidence rates by period, but no systematic analysis. The Automated Childhood Cancer Information System-project found an increasing trend in Europe. Against this background we present the first detailed trend analysis of childhood (aged under 15) malignancies in Germany. We examined incidence rates separately in western Germany 1987-2004 and eastern Germany 1991-2004. We analyzed all malignancies, all main diagnostic groups and relevant subsets using an age-period-cohort model. Additionally we fitted fractional polynomials to assess the linearity of the drift. All malignancies combined (excluding Central Nervous System-tumors and neuroblastoma) show a significant trend: +0.7% in western and +1.1% per year in eastern Germany. The overall trend in Germany is mostly due to the significant increase in lymphoid leukemia, which increased significantly in western Germany (+0.7% per year) and significantly nonlinearly in eastern Germany (+3.3% per year until 1998, +0.8% since 1998), catching up from a level 20% below western Germany. This could be due to life style changes since the reunification in eastern Germany influencing early immune system training. We found no trends for acute non-lymphocytic leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Hodgkin's disease shows a cohort effect in western Germany after reunification. Improved registration of CNS tumors led to an increase. Neuroblastoma yielded a period effect in western Germany due to screening. With the exception of germ cell tumors, further observations for solid tumor entities are in agreement with those reported for Europe.
机译:德国儿童癌症登记处定期提供各时期儿童癌症发病率的图表,但未进行系统分析。儿童自动化癌症信息系统项目在欧洲发现了一种增长的趋势。在此背景下,我们将对德国的儿童(15岁以下)恶性肿瘤进行首次详细的趋势分析。我们分别检查了德国西部1987-2004年和德国东部1991-2004年的发病率。我们使用年龄-年龄-队列模型分析了所有恶性肿瘤,所有主要诊断组和相关子集。另外,我们拟合了分数多项式以评估漂移的线性。所有恶性肿瘤的总和(不包括中枢神经系统肿瘤和神经母细胞瘤)均呈显着趋势:西方国家每年增长+ 0.7%,德国东部地区每年增长+ 1.1%。德国的总体趋势主要归因于淋巴白血病的显着增加,淋巴白血病在德国西部显着增加(每年+ 0.7%),在德国东部显着非线性增长(直到1998年每年+ 3.3%,自1998年以来每年+ 0.8%)。 ,比德国西部低20%。这可能是由于德国东部统一以来生活方式的改变,影响了早期免疫系统的训练。我们没有发现急性非淋巴细胞白血病和非霍奇金淋巴瘤的趋势。统一后,霍奇金氏病在德国西部显示出队列效应。中枢神经系统肿瘤的更好的登记导致增加。由于筛查,神经母细胞瘤在德国西部产生了时期效应。除生殖细胞肿瘤外,对实体瘤实体的进一步观察与欧洲报道的一致。



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