首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Comparing sensitivity and specificity of screening mammography in the United States and Denmark

Comparing sensitivity and specificity of screening mammography in the United States and Denmark


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Delivery of screening mammography differs substantially between the United States (US) and Denmark. We evaluated whether there are differences in screening sensitivity and specificity. We included screens from women screened at age 50-69 years during 1996-2008/2009 in the US Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC) (n = 2,872,791), and from two population-based mammography screening programs in Denmark (Copenhagen, n = 148,156 and Funen, n = 275,553). Women were followed-up for 1 year. For initial screens, recall rate was significantly higher in BCSC (17.6%) than in Copenhagen (4.3%) and Funen (3.1%). Sensitivity was fairly similar in BCSC (91.8%) and Copenhagen (90.5%) and Funen (92.5%). At subsequent screens, recall rates were 8.8%, 1.8% and 1.4% in BCSC, Copenhagen and Funen, respectively. The BCSC sensitivity (82.3%) was lower compared with that in Copenhagen (88.9%) and Funen (86.9%), but when stratified by time since last screen, the sensitivity was similar. For both initial and subsequent screenings, the specificity of screening in BCSC (83.2% and 91.6%) was significantly lower than that in Copenhagen (96.6% and 98.8%) and Funen (97.9% and 99.2%). By taking time since last screen into account, it was found that American and Danish women had the same probability of having their asymptomatic cancers detected at screening. However, the majority of women free of asymptomatic cancers experienced more harms in terms of false-positive findings in the US than in Denmark.
机译:在美国和丹麦之间,乳腺钼靶筛查的交付情况有很大不同。我们评估了筛选敏感性和特异性是否存在差异。我们纳入了1996-2008 / 2009年间在美国乳腺癌监测协会(BCSC)中进行筛查的年龄在50-69岁之间的女性筛查(n = 2,872,791),以及丹麦的两个基于人群的乳房X线筛查筛查项目(哥本哈根,n = 148,156和Funen,n = 275,553)。对妇女进行了为期一年的随访。对于初始筛选,BCSC(17.6%)的召回率显着高于哥本哈根(4.3%)和Funen(3.1%)的召回率。 BCSC(91.8%),哥本哈根(90.5%)和Funen(92.5%)的敏感性相当相似。在随后的筛选中,BCSC,哥本哈根和Funen的召回率分别为8.8%,1.8%和1.4%。 BCSC敏感度(82.3%)低于哥本哈根(88.9%)和Funen(86.9%),但按自上次筛选以来的时间进行分层时,敏感度相似。对于初次筛查和随后的筛查,BCSC的筛查特异性(83.2%和91.6%)明显低于哥本哈根(96.6%和98.8%)和Funen(97.9%和99.2%)的特异性。通过考虑自上次筛查以来的时间,发现美国和丹麦妇女在筛查时发现无症状癌症的可能性相同。但是,在美国,大多数无症状癌症的女性在假阳性结果方面比在丹麦遭受的伤害更大。



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