首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Chemical Kinetics >Determination of Rate Constants for Aqueous Reactions of HCFC-123 and HCFC-225ca with OH~-Along with Henry's Law Constants of Several HCFCs

Determination of Rate Constants for Aqueous Reactions of HCFC-123 and HCFC-225ca with OH~-Along with Henry's Law Constants of Several HCFCs


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Henry's law constants of six kinds of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) were determined at 313-353 K by means of a phase-ratio variation headspace method: K_H = K_H~(353)exp(-ΔH_(sol)/R(1/T -1/353)) and (K_H~(353) in M atm~(-1), ΔH_(sol) in kJ mol~(-1)) = (0.0070 ± 0.0006, -23 ± 2), (0.0038 ± 0.0011, -22 ± 10), (0.0065 ± 0.0007, -21 ± 3), (0.0026 ± 0.0007, -23 ± 8), (0.0016 ± 0.0003, -30 ± 4), and (0.0022 ± 0.0003, -25 ± 4), respectively, for HCFC-141b (CH3CCl2F), HCFC-142b (CH3CClF2), HCFC-123 (CF3CHC12), HCFC-124 (CF3CHCIF), HCFC-225ca (CF3CF2CHCl2), and HCFC-225cb (CClF2CF2CHClF). Errors represent two standard deviations only for the fitting. The decay of headspace partial pressures of these HCFCs via hydrolysis was discerned only for CF3CHCl2 and CF3CF2CHC12 under the experimental conditions examined. Rate constants (k_(OH~-) in M~(-1) s~(-1)) for aqueous reactions of CF3CF2CHC12 and CF3CHC12 with OH~- at 313-353 K were determined to be (0.57±0.04)exp(-(11, 300±600) × (1/T - 1/353)) and (2.9±0.2) × 10~(-4)exp(-(8800±900) × (1/T - 1/353)), respectively, from monitoring changes in headspace partial pressure over prescribed concentrations of aqueous NaOH as a function of the headspace time duration and concentration of aqueous NaOH. The calculations performed included consideration of gas-water equilibrium and hydrolysis at both headspace and room temperatures. The calculation for CF3CHCl2 also included consideration of salting-out effects. The salting coefficient of NaCl on a natural log basis was determined to be 0.36 ± 0.06 M~(-1), and this value was used for consideration of the salting-out effect of NaOH. Whereas the activation energy for CF3CF2CHCl2 was greater than that for CF3CHC12, the k_(OH~-) value at 353 K of CF3CF2CHC12 was 103 times larger than that of CF3CHCl2, indicating that reaction mechanisms for these two HCFCs differed from each other. The aqueous reaction of CF3CF2CHC12 with OH~- was found to proceed through dehydrofluorination on the basis of detection of CF3CF=CCI2 as a primary degradation product of the reaction and proportionality of the rate constants to both concentrations of CF3CF2CHCl2 and OH~-.
机译:六种氢氯氟烃(HCFC)的亨利定律常数是通过相比变化顶空方法在313-353 K下确定的:K_H = K_H〜(353)exp(-ΔH_(sol)/ R(1 / T- 1/353))和(M atm〜(-1)中的K_H〜(353),kJ mol〜(-1)中的ΔH_(sol))=(0.0070±0.0006,-23±2),(0.0038±0.0011 ,-22±10),(0.0065±0.0007,-21±3),(0.0026±0.0007,-23±8),(0.0016±0.0003,-30±4)和(0.0022±0.0003,-25±4) ),分别针对HCFC-141b(CH3CCl2F),HCFC-142b(CH3CClF2),HCFC-123(CF3CHC12),HCFC-124(CF3CHCIF),HCFC-225ca(CF3CF2CHCl2)和HCFC-225cb(CClF2CF2CHClF)。误差仅代表装配的两个标准偏差。在所研究的实验条件下,仅对于CF3CHCl2和CF3CF2CHC12,才能识别出这些HCFC通过水解引起的顶空分压衰减。 CF3CF2CHC12和CF3CHC12与OH〜-在313-353 K的水反应的速率常数(k_(OH〜-在M〜(-1)s〜(-1)中))被确定为(0.57±0.04)exp( -(11,300±600)×(1 / T-1/353))和(2.9±0.2)×10〜(-4)exp(-(8800±900)×(1 / T-1/353) ),分别是根据规定的NaOH水溶液的顶空持续时间和NaOH水溶液的浓度,监测顶空分压在规定浓度的NaOH水溶液中的变化。进行的计算包括考虑顶空和室温下的气水平衡和水解。 CF3CHCl2的计算还包括盐析效应的考虑。以自然对数为基准,NaCl的盐析系数确定为0.36±0.06 M〜(-1),该值用于考虑NaOH的盐析效果。 CF3CF2CHCl2的活化能大于CF3CHC12的活化能,但CF3CF2CHC12在353 K时的k_(OH〜-)值是CF3CHCl2的k_(OH〜-)值大103倍,表明这两种HCFC的反应机理互不相同。 CF3CF2CHC12与OH〜-的水相反应是通过检测反应的主要降解产物CF3CF = CCl2以及速率常数与CF3CF2CHCl2和OH〜-的浓度成比例而进行的,通过脱氟化氢进行。



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