首页> 外文期刊>International journal of architectural computing: IJAC >Performative Building Skin Systems:A Morphogenomic Approach Towards Developing Real-Time Adaptive Building Skin Systems

Performative Building Skin Systems:A Morphogenomic Approach Towards Developing Real-Time Adaptive Building Skin Systems


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Morphogenomics, a relatively new research area, involves understandingthe role played by information regulation in the emergence of diversenatural and artificially generated morphologies. Performative building skinsystems as a bottom-up parametric formation of context aware inter-dependent, ubiquitously communicating components leading to thedevelopment of continually performative systems is one of the multi-scalarderivations of the aforementioned Morphogenomic understanding.Theagenda of adaptations for these building skins specifically corresponds tothree domains of adaptation: structural, behavioral and physiologicaladaptations resulting in kinetic adaptability, energy generation,conservation, transport and usage principles as well as material propertybased changes per component.The developed skins adapt in real time viaoperating upon ubiquitous communication and data-regulation protocolsfor sensing and processing contextual information. Computationalprocesses and information technology based tools and techniques such asparametric design, real-time simulation using game design software,environmental information mapping, sensing and actuating systems coupledwith inbuilt control systems as well as manufacturing physical models incollaboration with praxis form a vital part of these skin systems.Theseexperiments and analysis based on developing intrinsic inter-dependenciesbetween contextual data, structure and material logistics thus lay thefoundation for a new era of continually performing, self powering, real-time adaptive intelligent building skin systems.



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